Signs you’re going into labor soon
At my checkup today, the OB/GYN said my baby and I look great! I’m excited to meet him (or her)...
At my checkup today, the OB/GYN said my baby and I look great! I’m excited to meet him (or her)...
Side dishes don’t often get the the attention they deserve during the holidays. Personally, I love side dishes and often...
A new study shows that low levels of vitamin D in pregnant women play a crucial role in determining whether...
We all know that becoming a parent changes your life in more ways than one. But new research released on...
I’ve gotta be honest, sometimes the idea of being Amish really appeals to me. Especially in today’s high-octane...
Many parents find it extremely stressful to send their little ones off to preschool. But what about the children themselves? Does simply...
I absolutely LOVE all things fall. I love scarves, colder temperatures, warm sweaters and all things PUMPKIN. One of my favorite things about...
At we like to think about parenting trends. What’s happening, what will happen, and how we can help. We...
While most parents watch what they say around kids, it turns out that our nonverbal signals are just as powerful...
A new report, issued by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), found that one-third of low-income families are struggling to afford...
This morning, I woke up and noticed ugly purple marks on my legs. I started to panic until I realized...
Something has been happening to me and I can’t figure out how to get it under control. I am breaking...
Want to win the battle on peanut allergies? Experts now say that feeding your child peanuts as early as infancy...
French parents who’ve relied on spanking to discipline their kids will now have to find a different way to get the same...
**This blog post originally appeared on the MomsRising blog by founder/program director of Stop Parenting Alone Lina Acosta Sandaal. Spanking is a topic that can...
There’s something adorable about matching children’s clothing that makes all of us swoon over the matching ensembles and...
Disadvantages children face when they’re just 3 years old can accurately predict the types of problems they’ll face as adults,...
By Linsly, Founder, Family game night is Family bonding night Life is more fun if you play games. ~Roald...
Few big choices come easy in parenting. What baby food to get, diapers to use or books to read can...
Well, it’s Friday the 13th friends, so naturally, the news today is a little effed up. Cue the story of...
Parents beware: Mold may be lurking in your child’s favorite teething toy. Revelations of the fungus growing inside of the...
It turns out that whether your child is overweight or not has less to do with their actual weight gain,...
With 2017 comes a new year to focus on new goals. As well harkens closer the publishing of my book, Being...
Last week, tech companies from across the country — and the world — descended on Las Vegas to show off...
Any animal cracker lovers with milk allergies will have to be on high alert if they’ve picked up a box...
Nearly 1 in 5 women suffer from depression during pregnancy. And four little letters might be the cause. Depression during... Get ready for your heart to melt out of your body: Mattel just launched a new commercial that shines a much-deserved...
Paid parental leave is a hot button issue for families across the U.S. But according to a new study that...
Considering sharing a caregiver? Be sure to do your homework: Nanny shares and shared care arrangements may be subject to...
For women who’ve imagined being moms since they were children themselves, learning that they’ll never be able to live that...
We’ve all burned our toast and potatoes before – I know I have! But a new health campaign circulating throughout the...
Get ready for a blast from the past, packaged up perfectly in the lovely voice of a 4-year-old girl. Little...
You never know where the next music star is going to come from. But now, thanks to a new report...
Debra Soh is a sex and gender researcher, and every time she gives a public talk, she gets the same...
Whether you’re actively trying to conceive or your period’s a little late, there’s a good chance you’re on the lookout...
Image via Facebook/Whitney Meyer Image via Facebook/Whitney Meyer A pair of twin sisters from Illinois are melting hearts across the world. But...
You may remember last year when the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning to parents about giving infants homeopathic...
We were not welcome here. A group of deeply religious foreigners from a shunned faith, speaking with accents, seeking refuge in...
One dad has a message to those husbands who “steal sleep” from their wives on the weekends: Stop it right...
It’s pronounced “yook.” The letter was debuted to the world on Jimmy Kimmel Live with Sesame Street mainstays Cookie Monster,...