9 Life Lessons I Learned When I Turned 40
I’ve had many wonderful birthdays, but turning 40 has been the best so far. I feel so right in my...
I’ve had many wonderful birthdays, but turning 40 has been the best so far. I feel so right in my...
Recently we have been obsessed with zucchini. We have been seeing a plethora of zucchini pile up at all the local...
When I saw this recipe on Amanda Fink’s blog, The Wholesome Dish, I knew instantly that I would have to try...
No matter at what point in your life you try to take a trip down the memory lane, you’re hardly...
It’s so very sad when caregivers steal and lie. Becarful who you hire.
As you can tell from some of my previous posts, I’m a very big fan of stories that involve shaking...
As we start to windup our information about playgroups, I thought that it would be helpful to give you a...
Have you ever tried canning peached with your children? I purchased a bushel of peaches from our local farmers market...
I have a 14-year-old daughter, and I gotta say that we don’t always see eye to eye. In fact, last...
Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Not only do our school aged children descend upon us with pounds...
Here’s yet ANOTHER story of a mom being shamed for breastfeeding in public. This time, though, it was a deputy...
This past week, I received two Amber Alerts on my phone. Scary! I know many child kidnappings are domestic in...
“Who are you voting for?” This was the question my six-year-old asked her friend over the summer. “I’m going to...
I recently came across the term gamification and realized that this is why I enjoy DietBet so much: it makes...
This week, Care.com introduced the Care Index, the first comprehensive data report on the current state of child care in...
As a busy mom, I love posting simple healthy recipes that are sure to become family favorites and this one...
There’s this saying that I love (and use often), and it goes like this. We’re only as happy as...
Cleaning fits, that’s what I call it when I am so frustrated and the only thing I can do to...
Meet Mariel. She is a high school guidance counselor and part- time babysitter. Three years ago she joined Care.com in...
On most days, your child bounds into the classroom with nary a backward glance, but lately she’s been having a...
I mean, honestly. Does this even need to be said? Apparently, the answer is “Yes.” As you’ve probably seen and/or heard,...
Dear Son, I can’t sleep. I’ve been lying here in bed for the past two hours, staring at my alarm...
I saw the black Toyota pull up in front of my house. Right on cue, my chest tightened and butterflies...
In my childhood, I was a bully. I was an angry child that verbally took it out on anyone that...
As a journalist, I’ve written articles about bullying. I’ve informed parents about how to look for signs that their child...
My kids love tacos. In fact, they would eat tacos every day if I let them. It’s almost an obsession!...
“Work-life balance”: the thing everyone wants, but no one knows how to get. What every lifestyle or work-related article/book/blog/vlog would...
There are so many things to know when you have a new baby that it can be pretty overwhelming. I...
You got the job! Congratulations! You have always loved children and feel such a connection with them. You’ve started to...
I told my 11 year old, soon to be 12 year old daughter that happiness is a choice. “No, it’s...
Halloween became one of my favorite holidays — but only until after I had kids. The whole season starts as...
We could take the kids to the destination, but not to the destination wedding. So, we needed to find child...
Honestly, I’m getting tired of having to write about these kinds of stories, mostly because I’m so absolutely tired of...
I hate to admit it but I have never really found a way to implement using Siri in my daily...
This past summer, the New York Times published an opinion piece entitled Why Men Want To Marry Melanias, And...
You’d think that the shared experiences of motherhood — and dealing with all the joys and frustrations that that the job of “mom”...
I don’t know what is going on with Angelina and Brad. Celeb Buzz reports that Brad just had his second...
Do you have too much stuff in your house? My kids can’t even clean their bedroom because they feel overwhelmed...
The process of applying to jobs is already stressful enough. Between all the applications you have to fill out (whoddathunk that...
The news that’s taking the parenting world by storm: the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) now recommends that parents have...