61 Fun Seashell Crafts for Kids of All Ages
People of all ages love combing the beach for shells and treasures from the sea. There’s nothing like the feeling...
People of all ages love combing the beach for shells and treasures from the sea. There’s nothing like the feeling...
Scavenger hunts are a surefire way to find fun. The best part? You can do them anywhere at anytime, tailor...
Is your child obsessed with animals? Then keep his passion in mind when planning your day’s activities. Here are 101...
Have you always wanted to know how to build a treehouse? Imagine summer nights spent camping out with your kids...
Movie nights (or days!) are a great way to spend some extra time with family, so why not make them a...
Is anything more blissful than a sun-drenched family beach vacation? Well, kinda, if you don’t pack the right stuff. Lugging...
Your child is online already, so why not choose kids’ websites that make entertainment educational? There are plenty of sites...
If you want to get kids excited about learning or improving their typing skills, introduce them to some fun typing...
Want to make those classic games you enjoyed as a kid even more fun? Here are 6 games for kids...
We found the top free online cool math games and fun math activities for kids, parents, and teachers to learn...
You may see farm games for kids, such as FarmVille, popping up all over your Facebook page. With good reason,...
Making a successful treasure hunt for kids can make any parent feel like a superhero. Any time you can gather...
There are so many Spanish games for kids, it’s hard to choose which are the best for your children. Start...
What do you buy a little girl who’s not quite so little anymore? Shopping for tweens is challenging, and finding...
When choosing toys for 7-year-old boys, you have to go right to the source. Ask them! Often, they are influenced...
Selecting toys for 6-year-old boys can be mind-boggling, but this list of kid-tested ideas should help make your selection easier....
The top-selling toys for 9-year-old boys have kids — not marketing — in mind. Finding those gems, however, isn’t always...
Wanting to buy a great toy for a great kid in your life but not sure where to start? No...
Now that your little guy is getting bigger, it’s time to upgrade his playthings. Toys for 4-year-old boys can pose...
Watching your son morph from preschooler to kindergartner is amazing. Your sweet little boy is becoming a (still sweet) little...
A few years ago, Jeff Haynes was at a video game store and witnessed a young boy begging his mom...
Whether you were an original girlboss like Kristy, a trendsetter like Claudia, shy and strong like Mary Anne, boy-crazy like...
Your 7-year-old has outgrown nursery rhymes and board books. Now what? Often, 2nd grade is the time when kids begin...
There are so many books for kids and — let’s be honest — a lot of them aren’t worth reading....
“The Cat in the Hat,” “Goodnight Moon” and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”: you grew up reading these famous children’s books...
Many parents might feel as if their son doesn’t like to read. They struggle to find the right books for...
Though you might start your child’s path to literacy off with simple board books and picture books, there is an...
Everybody loves a good Mother Goose rhyme. There’s just something magically right about these charming little ditties — it’s as...
Encyclopedia Brown, the 10-year-old boy detective, is more than just a crime-solving character in a book series. Many adults remember...
Walking the aisles of your local toy store, you may notice the great gender divide — all the toys for...
If your girl loves feeding her baby doll, there are many apps and online baby games for girls that she’ll...
It’s a Saturday afternoon, and your little boy is bouncing off the walls. Channel his excess energy with a few...
You’ve made it past the terrible twos! Now you have an energetic 3-year-old on your hands. Invoke her imagination with...
Close out the apps and remove the elaborate board games from your shopping cart. When it comes to entertaining a 2-year-old,...
Watching your little one learn new concepts and develop new skills can be some of the most cherished and exciting...
Some parents have described the age as the terrible twos, but by understanding your childs development, you can find ways...
Your little one is naturally interested in color. Those bright hues of blocks, balls and even snacks are a great...
Toddlers are some of the busiest people on the planet, actively exploring their worlds — and keeping parents and caregivers...
They’ve outgrown peek-a-boo but aren’t quite a competitive Monopoly opponent yet. So what games and activities are good for 4-year-olds?...
Being trapped indoors on a gloomy spring day can have even the most imaginative caregiver or parent wracking her brain...