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The Trickiest Kid Problems – Solved!

Nannies help solve 42 common kid challenges.

The Trickiest Kid Problems – Solved!

All moms and nannies know that one thing is for sure: kids can be difficult. But, the littlest tricks (okay, call them manipulation tactics) can get our favorite wee ones to do just about anything. Here are some of our favorite strategies for getting through the day with the least amount of whining. Just click on the links to see the words of wisdom!

Please use Pinterest to “pin” your favorites! And, if you have your own tricks, share them in the comments below. Our list of pins is growing and we’d love to hear your most successful solutions to the curve balls kids throw at us.

  1. Get dressed
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast
  3. Learn good manners
  4. Stop fighting with their sibling
  5. No hitting
  6. No biting
  7. Share with friends
  8. Clean up toys
  9. Clean their room
  10. Stop watching so much TV
  11. Be patient and sit still
  12. Stop whining
  13. Use an indoor voice.
  14. Give you peace and quiet
  15. Covering their mouth when sneezing or coughing
  16. Blow their nose
  17. Use the potty
  18. Stop wiping their hands on their clothes
  19. Wash hands – with soap
  20. Sit still during a hair cut
  21. Play less video games
  22. Do their homework
  23. End the “I want a dog” begging
  24. Talk through their feelings
  25. Calm down from a tantrum
  26. Leave the house
  27. Make friends on the playground
  28. Pump their legs on the swing
  29. Leave the playground without a tantrum
  30. Stop whining in the car
  31. Eat their dinner
  32. Eat their vegetables
  33. Bring dishes to the sink
  34. Cut out too many sweets
  35. Brush teeth
  36. Floss
  37. Get in PJs
  38. Wash their hair
  39. Get out of the bath
  40. Take a bath
  41. Ease their fear of bedtime monsters
  42. Go to bed

Katie Bugbee is our global parenting expert and senior managing editor here at She has written for Babble, Huffington Post, Newsday and Parenting. A busy working mother, she offers families advice on many parenting dilemmas, from appeasing picky eaters to finding the perfect babysitter.