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Teaching Kids About Stranger Danger Without Scaring Them

Teaching Kids About Stranger Danger Without Scaring Them

This past week, I received two Amber Alerts on my phone. Scary! I know many child kidnappings are domestic in nature, but I’m still determined to teach my kids about stranger danger. I did some research to figure out how I can do that without scaring them, and role playing seems to be the best option for my family.

My kids love to pretend they’re doctors, teachers and cashiers. They even dress up! So it makes sense for me to capitalize on play time and role play potential situations where my kids may encounter strangers.

The five most popular scenarios adults use to entice kids into danger include:

  • Offering them candy
  • Giving them a ride
  • Asking them a question
  • Telling them a pet is missing
  • Promising to give them money

I use these scenarios as the basis for our role playing. Maybe we’re at the grocery store, and an adult offers to give my kids candy if they go with him or her to the next aisle or someone says that I’m sick and need my child to go the hospital. Based on my kids’ reactions, I can correct or praise them.

As we role play, I tell my kids that it’s okay to not help adults they don’t know. I also teach them to use the buddy system anytime they’re in public. They have to stay with me or the trusted adult they’re with at all times. If an adult pulls them away from the group, they have my permission to yell, kick and scream.

Our world is scary, but as parents we can teach stranger danger and protect our kids. Thankfully, my kids view our role playing as a game and aren’t scared. You may need to adjust your talk based on the needs of your kids, though. For additional safety tips, check out the National Children’s Advocacy Center.