It seems like everyone has a pretty strong opinion about what you should and shouldn’t name your child. In addition, tradition and family connections play a big part in choosing Mexican baby names. So, how do you go about finding the right name — or at least the one that pleases you?
“It can be difficult to find the ‘right’ name because a name has deep meaning behind it and it says a lot about that person,” says Dr. Candice P. Cooper, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Fayetteville, GA. “Your name is a part of who you are and your destiny. In a lot of cultures, including Latino, finding the right name is taken very seriously.”
When choosing a Mexican name, Neala Shane, author of Inspired Baby Names from Around the World said that “many parents choose names from the list of Catholic saints, with one of the most popular names being Maria for a girl and Jesus for a boy.”
It’s also common to use diminutives by adding the suffix ito, itaito or ita. For example, Carmela becomes Carmelita, and Juanita is derived from the feminine form of Juan (meaning God is gracious), Shane notes. A double-surname is also used by many Mexican families, including one from the father and one from the mother, resulting in a long legal name. Many Latino women also keep their maiden names, although some add their husband’s name to their own surname.
Here are the top 51 Mexican names for your little bundle of joy — 26 for the girls and 25 for the boys.
Mexican baby names for girls
Name | Pronunciation | Name Meaning and/or Origin |
Abril | ah-BREEL | Spanish for the month April, this name symbolizes the season of spring, a time for growth. |
Adelita | ah-de-LEE-tə | Adelita is a strong name that means noble and kind. |
Aitana | AAAY-tae-NAH | Taking after the Sierra de Aitana mountain range in Spain, Aitana means “strong as a mountain.” |
Belicia | Bey-LIY-Siy-aa | Similar to the word belle, this name means beautiful girl or woman. |
Blanca | BLAHN-kah | This classic name means “white” or “fair.” |
Conseja | kohn-SAY-hah | For your wise child, this unique name means “counselor” or “adviser.” |
Elena | ee-LAY-na | For the light of your life, this name means shining light or bright one. |
Esmerelda | ayss-may-RAHL-dah | Got a green-eyed girl? Esmerelda is a popular name and means “emerald, deep green color” or “beautiful gemstone.” |
Evita | e-VEE-tah | A classic name derived from Eva, from the Latin name Eve, which is the Hebrew word for “life.” |
Francisca | frahn-SEES- kah | Derived from the name Frances meaning French, from France, or free one. |
Guadalupe | gwah-dah-LOO-pay | Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico. This traditional name also means “valley of the wolf.” |
Juanita | hwah-NEE-tah | The feminine form of Juan or John, this popular name means “God is gracious; God is giving.” |
Leticia | le-TEE-syah | A variation of the name Letitia, this name means “full of happiness and joy.” |
Margarita | mahr-gah-REE- tah | Like a pretty blossom, Margarita means “daisy flower” in Spanish. |
Maria | mah-REE-ah | Maria means “rebellion” or “bitter” but don’t let that deter you. With a confident name like Maria, your child is sure to grow up to be a warrior. |
Mercedes | mayr-SAY-dehs | Mercedes is a unique name that means “merciful, compassionate.” |
Micaela | Miy-KEY-Laa | A name of Hebrew origin, Michael is the feminine version of Michael that means “gift from God.” |
Paloma | pah-LOH-mah | Great for a peaceful child, Paloma, another unique name, means “dove” or “dove-like.” |
Piedad | pee-ah-DAHD | Piedad, a classic name, means “merciful, compassionate and kind.” |
Rosamaria | roh-zah-mah-REE-ə | Rosamaria is a variant of the Spanish word “rosa” which means pink. The perfect name for your princess. |
Silvia | SEEL-byah | For your Earth goddess, Silvia is Latin for “from the forest.” |
Teresa | teh-RAY-sə | Teresa is a popular name in many cultures, including Mexican, that means “one who reaps” and is often associated with Mother Teresa. |
Valentina | va-lin-TEE-na | Valentina is the female version of the Roman name Valentinus, which comes from the Latin word “valens” and means “healthy, strong.” |
Valeria | VAL-ə-ree | Give your fearless little one a strong name to carry them through life. Valeria is a Latin name that means “brave.” |
Violeta | vy-o-LET-ah | Violeta is of Latin origin and means “violet, a shade of purple.” The color purple is often associated with power and ambition. |
Ynez | ee-NAYZ | Derived from a Greek word, Ynez, a popular girls’ name, means “pure one” or “chaste. |
Mexican baby names for boys
Name | Pronunciation | Name Meaning and/or Origin |
Alejandro | ah-lay-HAHN-droh | This classic strong name means “guardian” or “helper and protector of humankind.” |
Angel | AHN-khel | This heavenly unisex name is commonly given to males in Spanish-speaking countries and means “messenger of God.” |
Antonio | ahn-TO-nyo | This uplifting name means “beyond praise.” |
Arturo | ahr-TUW-ro | Of Gaelic origin, Arturo means “strong as a bear.” |
Carlos | KAR-los | The Spanish name for Charles, this popular name means “one who is free” or “free man.” |
Diego | dee-EH-goh | This popular name means to “transform” or become a “successor.” |
Eduardo | eh-DWAHR-doh | Eduardo, means “wealthy guardian, protector of that which is valuable” — and your baby is definitely that. |
Enrique | ehn-REE-kay | Meaning “ruler of the home, house leader,” Enrique is a strong, classic name. |
Felipe | fay-LEE-pay | Want a name with a unique meaning? Felipe means “lover of horses.” |
Fernando | fer-NAHN-do | Fernando is a form of the name Ferdinand, which means “journey, brave, and daring.” |
Francisco | frahn-SEES-koh | Want your child to feel independent? Francisco means “one who is free.” |
Javier | hah-VYER | Javier is the Spanish form of Xavier meaning “new house.” |
Jose | hoh-SAY | This popular Mexican baby name means “God will add.” Your little Jose will be in good graces. |
Jorge | HOR-khe | This timeless classic spans across many cultures but in Spanish, the name Jorge means “farmer.” |
Juan | HWAHN | The Spanish form of John, this popular name means “God is gracious; God is giving.” |
Luis | loo-EES | This classic name is perfect for your little fighter. It means “famous warrior, renowned in battle.” |
Manuel | mah-NWEL | Manuel is of Hebrew origin but is primarily used in Spanish-speaking countries, meaning “God in us.” |
Marco | MAHR-ko | Derived from the Italian form of Marcus, Marco means “Mars” for the Roman god of war. |
Miguel | mee-GEL | This divine name means “God-like.” |
Pablo | PAH-bloh | Your little buttercup has the perfect moniker in Pablo, which means “small, little.” |
Pedro | PAY-droh | This unique name will give your child strength. It means “rock, stone.” |
Rafael | rah-fah-EL
| An invigorating name, Rafael means “God has healed.” |
Raul | ra-OOL
| Babies may be small but they are mighty. Empower a boy with a name like Raul, which means “strong.” |
Ricardo | ree-KAHR-do | Like the name Raul, Ricardo means “strong” and also “powerful ruler.” |
Roberto | ro-BER-to | Is your child the light of your life? Give them a superstar name like Roberto, meaning “shining fame.” |