If you’re flying solo as a mom, you’re in good company. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, out of the 11 million single parent households, almost 80% are headed by single moms — and that says a lot since the U.S. also has more single parent households than any other nation. Nonetheless, raising little ones without a partner present can be as challenging as it is an adventure.
One way to cope: Being inspired by and laughing along with several of the best single mom memes the internet has to offer.
24 single mom memes that are so relatable
1. Just doing all the things

2. When someone asks you to meet up after the kids are in bed

Never mind the late hour, who’s going to watch the kids?!
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3. Kids are savage — plain and simple
Because kids are never, ever, ever not keeping it real.
4. Listen to Ned Stark

Pretty much the single mom meme to sum them all up.
5. It’s rewarding… and tiring

Yes, it’s fulfilling, but who could use a break here?!
6. Any questions?

There’s not too much time to talk the talk when you’re a single mom… because you’re too busy doing the dang thing.
7. You are their world

It’s easy to feel consumed by the day-to-day stresses of single mom life, so it’s important to remember the big picture — and the fact that to your little people, you are everything.
8. A single mom meme that understands priorities

CafeMom nails it with this must-know rule for dating a single mom. Her kids come first — a fulfilling romantic relationship is just the icing.
9. To do your best is to do enough

As this single mom meme points out, life has a funny way of going in directions you never expected, but your intentions can absolutely remain the same.
10. No need to go to bat for personal space

Who needs a partner when you can be snoozing peacefully sans snoring and another human’s flailing limbs? Of course, if you bed share, you might be contending with that anyway.
11. You’re up to the test

This inspiring quote from a Life of a Single Mom blogger Meg Lovett has spread like wildfire all over the web for good reason: It gives credit where credit is due.
12. No need to be Ms. Fix-It

Let’s be honest: People of all genders walk around with emotional baggage. But we can’t be responsible for a partner’s baggage on top of our own.
13. A typical night out

When it comes to single mom finances, sometimes you just need to be real about what’s worth your time, energy and stress level. And, as this single mom meme hilariously points out, sometimes this might mean a hard pass on eating out.
14. You get double the rewards

What do you get for wearing all the hats? Double the uphill battles but also double the benefits of parenthood.
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15. What single moms are fueled by: courage, strength and love

No doubt you need compassion, support and respect — but you can do without anyone’s pity, as this meme notes.
16. Maybe there’s something to be said for cinematic moments

The flick that brought people up close and personal with terrifying dinosaurs has nothing on the reality of raising kids solo.
17. All of the days have one thing in common

As this single mom meme explains, raising children as a single mom can feel like a roller coaster of emotions from day to day. But you’ll get through it all by showing up.
18. Being a single mom means uncharted territory — all the time

You don’t need to hop an international flight or go zip lining to get a thrill when you’re a single mom. That’s because every day is a chance to explore, learn and grow alongside your children.
19. TFW you’re the chief executive parent

Forget about Zuckerberg and Bezos. Moms who do double parenting duty are the ultimate bosses, as noted by this anonymous meme, which hits the nail on the head.
20. Self-compassion is key

Instagrammer and therapist Bryce Reddy, LMHC offers valuable advice that’s highly applicable — and relatable — for single moms. Perfection is an illusion, and self-forgiveness is survival.
21. You’ve got this

Having a support network of loved ones and friends is integral to your success as a single mom, but sometimes your best cheerleader will be, well, you.
22. Move over, Marvel and DC

As a single mom, you’re a force to be reckoned with — not unlike all the badass single female superheroes from both comic book universes.
23. Perception isn’t everything

Plenty of people have their strong, eyebrow-raising opinions about what #singlemomlife looks like. But all that really matters is how you see yourself. Oh, and realizing that not only are you doing enough, but you’re basically magic personified.
24. You’re so loved

This heartfelt cartoon from Belle Bear serves as an important reminder that while your head is filled with all the normal concerns and questions that come with raising your little one solo, they love you, unconditionally.