How Babysitters Can Take the Stress Out of Halloween

1. Costumes

How Babysitters Can Take the Stress Out of Halloween

>> Looking for a babysitting job? Find families in your area now.

While Halloween is undoubtedly one of the most exciting days of the year for children, it can often be one of the most stressful for parents. This is where you come in! As a babysitter or nanny, there is a wide range of services you can offer to help take the weight off the parents’ shoulders and ensure everyone has a great time. Here are our tips for babysitters and nannies in the lead up to Halloween.

Helping the kids with their costumes can take a great deal of stress and time away from the parents. You and the children can have fun deciding what to dress up as, looking for the materials and helping them get dressed on the day itself.

You can help the kids make sustainable dressing up choices by digging through old clothes at home, taking them to second-hand shops or making the costumes together out of recyclable materials. Just make sure that the parents have given their permission to use materials from their home and that they are agree with their child’s costume decision.

2. Decorations

A great way to pass those babysitting hours, keep the kids entertained, and impress the parents, is to help with the Halloween decorations. Have hours of fun with the kids making sustainable, eco-friendly decorations. For example, use organic black paint to make bats out of egg cartons or paper, hanging ghosts can be made from old sheets, spooky shapes can be cut from sugar paper and hung on the wall or stuck to the windows, and pumpkins can be sourced locally and carved into the children’s desired shape. If you have some cooking skills, don’t forget to use the pumpkin insides to make tasty treats and roasted seeds.

3. Party planning

Is your employer hosting a Halloween party for their kids and their friends? This is a prime opportunity for you to shine as a caregiver and see what jobs need to be done. Are there invitations to be written, sweets to be bought, kids to be collected? Offer your services to take the stress out of hosting and help the parents and children have an awesome Halloween bash.

4. Trick or treating

If the parents are not available for trick or treating, the family babysitter is the perfect person to take on this responsibility. Discuss with the parents beforehand the route you will take and the doors you will knock on. It is a good idea for the babysitter and parents to discuss all rules that they might have and take every safety precaution available. Alternatively, if the parents are out knocking on doors with their little ones, you might offer to stay at home and answer the door when fellow trick or treaters come knocking.

Whatever arrangement suits you and the family you are working for, Halloween provides plenty of opportunity to help the parents out and make some extra cash for your hard work. For Halloween in 2020: This article sums up how you can make Halloween as fun as ever despite Covid-19.

>> Looking for a babysitting job? Find families in your area now.

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