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Celebrating Caregivers on International Domestic Workers Day

To You, from All of Us.

Celebrating Caregivers on International Domestic Workers Day

This International Domestic Workers’ Day — which we celebrate on June 16 — I really wanted to give you a Thank You card to tell you how much you mean to me, and every person who is fortunate enough to receive the care of a caregiver — all types of caregivers. So I decided to write a message to you. All of you.

Thank you for the early morning starts, because the hardest work can be getting ready for the day — and that’s when we need your help the most.

Thank you for the help late in the night when the baby has woken and we are so exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally that we can barely keep our eyes open to change the baby’s diaper.

Thank you for the days that somehow feel like they are twice as long, and for the weeks that feel like they flew by too fast.

Thank you for comforting the new mom returning to the workforce after baby, and for comforting the baby. We know that we wouldn’t be able to go back if we didn’t feel our baby was in such safe and capable hands.

Thank you for being the rock that helped a family transition during a difficult time, when a family member passed away, or Mom and Dad separated. You were the critical piece of our family that allowed us to take care of what we needed to take care of, while you took care of us.

Thank you for helping us understand what was happening when our elderly parents became disoriented and upset. This was new to us, but not to you, and we relied on your calm approach to model for us how to best manage upsetting situations when you weren’t around.

I hope that you feel proud, today and every day, for the work that you do. Your contribution to our families is critical, and we would be faced with different choices if we weren’t able to rely on you. You know what to do before we even ask. You are an expert, a confidante, a companion. And above all, you’re a professional.

Today is all about celebrating you. Without you, nothing else would be possible.


Ai-jen Poo

On behalf of those of us in your care, our families, and the National Domestic Workers’ Alliance

Ai-jen Poo is the Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers’ Alliance. is proud to connect our community of caregivers to NDWA to ensure that caregivers have the support and respect they deserve. To date, over 466,000 families have taken the Fair Care Pledge.