Caring for kids can make for some long, lonely days. No matter how full our Pinterest boards are, we end up reading the same books, singing the same songs, and craving some much-needed stimulation.
Parents — and even babysitters and nannies — can break the monotony with some fun, mommy and me classes throughout the Houston area. From yoga to baking to sign language, here are some of the best.
Motherhood Center
Address: 3701 W. Alabama St., Ste. 230, Houston, TX 77027
Schedule: A schedule of classes is available on the center’s website.
Phone: 713-963-8880
Becoming a parent is often an exciting, challenging, and sometimes even terrifying experience. For many moms and moms-to-be, finding a support network can be a real challenge — especially if you are among the thousands of non-native Houstonians. That need for a village in a big city is exactly why the Motherhood Center was founded, said founder Gabriela Gerhart.
The center provides pretty much anything you need to be supported as you transition to motherhood and beyond: prenatal yoga and massage, birthing and breastfeeding classes, photographers, and — of course — mommy & me classes.
The Motherhood Center’s mommy & me yoga class is designed for mothers during the postpartum period, incorporating gentle movements and postures to help regain and build strength needed for life with a new baby. Infants up to 8 months are welcome to join in the exercises or to just chill out next to you on a blanket. Best of all, in this mom-focused class, zero judgment is passed if your baby doesn’t exactly feel up to cooperating. Namaste to that.
The Little Gym
Address: 1501 W. 18th St., Houston, TX 77008
Schedule: Class times vary by age. A full schedule is available on the website.
Phone: 713-861-8200
When your kids make you feel like you’re in a gymnastics class anyway, why not take them to the gym? Or, more accurately, the Little Gym. This spot in the Heights has parent and child classes for infants 4 months to 3 years that allow them to rough and tumble to their hearts’ content — with you right beside them.
Classes are broken down by specific age groups with adorable names like “bugs” (4-10 months), “birds” (10-19 months), and “beasts” (19 months – 3 years), and classes incorporate age-appropriate activities that encourage development. In addition to exercises that work on things like motor skills and balance — a given for a gymnastics class — they also are encouraged to develop other skills like learning to recognize colors and letters, sharing, and cooperation.
While the Heights location is perhaps the most popular inside the Loop, there are several throughout the Houston area, including in the suburbs of Katy, Pearland, Spring, and Sugar Land.
Baby Boot Camp
Address: Varies by class
Schedule: Check out the website for a full listing of upcoming classes.
Phone: 281-900-2858
For moms who are looking for an intense workout but don’t want to leave their kids behind, there are stroller-based fitness classes with them in mind. Baby Boot Camp’s Stroller Fitness is a one-hour, interval-based class for all-levels of momhood, including pregnancy, postpartum, and really any mom with a stroller-ready baby. While strollers are involved, these aren’t just leisurely strolls while you sip an iced latte. Classes are full of cardio drills and exercises to build muscle and strengthen your core, and the kids can be incorporated into the routine, so they won’t feel left out on the fun.
All classes are run by certified fitness professionals throughout the city in public spaces like parks when the weather is nice, and malls and churches when it’s too hot or cold for the little ones to be outside. New students pay a one-time enrollment fee to cover the costs of the equipment needed, and after that they can choose from a variety of payment options, including a block of four or eight classes, or on a monthly basis for unlimited access.
Studio June
Address: 4660 Beechnut St., Ste. 102, Houston, TX 77096
Schedule: Find upcoming classes on the website.
Phone: 906-600-5863
We all know that when toddlers “help” in the kitchen, it’s not all that helpful. But when your little ones are so eager to pitch in, it’s hard to say no. Thankfully, there’s Studio June’s Bake with Me class.
Every week, kids and their parents participate in baking a snack. Studio June takes a Montessori-centered approach to learning through self-led and practical play, so the kids are involved not only in preparing the food — safely, of course — but also in setting the table and cleaning up. While the food is baking, young ones can play with a wide assortment of educational activities, and then everyone enjoys the snack together. In addition to Bake with Me, there are a number of Montessori-style classes and camps for kids from 8 weeks to 6 years old, including some available in Spanish.
Words by the Handful
Address: Varies by class
Schedule: Check out the online schedule for more information.

Those who have tried baby sign language will tell you it’s a godsend. Communicating with your child before they can verbalize means you can better understand what he or she needs — before the waterworks start. Baby crying in the high chair? While before you were left with just trial and error to figure out the issue, with sign language your kid can tell you if they are still hungry, all done, or need a diaper change. It’s a total game-changer.
“Signs aren’t a replacement for early language; they’re a bridge to speaking, and a great way to enhance early communication,” said Mimi Vance of Words by the Handful. She teaches classes where you and your baby can learn practical signs to help you communicate with each other. Babies as early as 6 months can participate in the classes, and while they likely won’t be able to sign back right away — that comes with time and improved muscle control — you’ll still be learning a practical skill and get to be around other adults. It’s a win-win!