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Six Tips for Grocery Shopping with the Kids

Six Tips for Grocery Shopping with the Kids

Grocery shopping with kids can be a real challenge! I remember when my kids were little – they would pull groceries off the shelves and throw fits when I wouldn’t let them buy candy. Now that they’re older, grocery runs are easier, in part to six tips that help us navigate the grocery store successfully. They will hopefully help you too!

1. Share your expectations. One day, I set up a pretend store in our playroom and walked through it with my kids. I showed them how to act and how to push the cart without running into anything. I also shared the expectations I have for their behavior, which includes no whining or complaining.

2. Go when they’re rested and full. Tired or hungry kids are no fun in the grocery store! Time your grocery trips for when your kids are most likely to be cooperative.

3. Make a list. The quicker you can get out of the store, the better. Make a list according to the store layout so that you’re not walking back and forth to get stuff you’ve forgotten.

4. Set boundaries. Sometimes, I’m okay if my kids pick out a candy bar, but other times I don’t want to buy extra sweets. I share the boundaries before we go into the store to limit whining and fussing.

5. Let them help. Give each kid part of your grocery list and allow them to “shop” for those items. They’re usually eager to help, especially when their list includes items they like to eat.

6. Play games. Almost any chore is fun when you turn it into a game. We sometimes play I Spy, Simon Says or Follow the Leader as we buy groceries.

Grocery shopping with kids is challenging, but you can do it successfully with these tips. What else works for you and your kiddos?