I remember when my kids were toddlers. I thought life was so busy and wondered to myself when it would slow down. The days of chasing toddlers around, cleaning up messes and hoping in exhaustion they were ready for bed are long gone. Now we are entering a different stage of life, my oldest daughter is now in middle school. We spend our time running from piano practice to basketball practice, and on to dance recitals while trying to make time for homework, school and church activities and if we are luck we squeeze in dinner as a family.
As a mom I have felt my energy dragging and somedays I wake up and wondering if I even have the energy to get out of bed. On Monday I was so exhausted I pried myself out of bed and headed into the kitchen. I opened the medicine cabinet and found some older prenatal vitamins that I hand taken since my youngest was small. Out of desperation I popped a couple in my mouth hoping they would turn into some kind of miracle energy pill. I’ve never been a big vitamin taker. To my surprise after taking the prenatal vitamins I found that I did indeed have a boost of energy. So to all you moms out there, I say take a prenatal vitamin even if you well past the years of bearing children. It might give you that extra shot of energy to get you through the day.