You’d think that the shared experiences of motherhood — and dealing with all the joys and frustrations that that the job of “mom” entails — would bond women together. Well, I was always under that impression, at least. Clearly, I was wrong.
News of this story first broke on KOCO 5, the news station for Edmond, O.K. (Which explains why the expectant mom was referred to as a “spoiled Edmondnite.” Burn.) I’ll give you a high-level overview of the incident:
- A woman named Jamie drove to the Crest Foods grocery store with her best friend, who was 8-and-a-half-months pregnant.
- They saw some reserved parking spots in front of the store with signs that read, “Customer With Child Parking.”

- Given that her friend was very literally “with child,” the two women parked in that spot and went into the store.
- After they finished shopping, they went back out to the car and discovered that an anonymous Crest Foods customer had left this nasty, passive-aggressive note for them under Jamie’s windshield wiper. The note reads:
When you park in this spot — it is when you actually have a small child with you. Learn to read the signs and if you can’t understand what the sign means — ask someone to explain it to you.
Stop being an entitled spoiled Edmondnite.”
- Someone clearly has an axe to grind with Edmond, O.K. Who knew?
- Upon reading this note, Jamie and her best friend — who, again, WAS VERY LITERALLY AND UNDOUBTEDLY “WITH CHILD” — were more than a little peeved, to say the least.
- Jamie called the grocery store manager about the note, who promptly apologized for the incident and confirmed that they had, in fact, been in the right to park in those spots. This is what Jamie had to say about the entire situation:
It’s upsetting to know that there are people out there that are so quick to place judgement on anyone for absolutely no reason. My pregnant best friend had more right to that parking spot than anyone with child. So much hatred in the world.”
Honestly, I can’t really understand why someone would go that far out of their way to leave such a nasty note. It takes SO much more energy to be angry and passive-aggressive like that — energy that this (I’m assuming) mom probably would want to channel toward her own business.
What I really can’t figure out, though, is what this anonymous hater’s (we’ll call them “Hater”) motivation was. Did Hater know that a pregnant woman came out of Jamie’s car, and still thought it was appropriate to belittle her? (In which case, Hater is also a MASSIVE creepy stalker.)
OR, did Hater somehow deduce from scoping out Jamie’s car — whether it was a lack of car seats, or something else — that there was no actual child present?
Either way, this person was a Grade A jerk. And we should all take this as a cautionary tale against making assumptions, because you know what they say about assumptions…so don’t be that anonymous Hater.