Toddlers, man. Aren’t they the cutest? The adorable way they squat down to play. The precious ways they pronounce words. Their squishy-mushy kisses! But, also, let’s be real here. TODDLERS ARE INSANE. Like, actually, possibly trying-to-kill-us insane.
Not convinced? Here are 24 tweets from parents about the adorableness and sheer terror that is the toddler phase. Good thing they’re ridiculously cute.
1. Does it ever end? No, really.
2. Probably don’t even half-blink.
3. If you’ve gone pee with a 2-year-old at Barnes & Noble, you know.
4. Accurate.
5. Always there when you need them.
6. Where is the love?
7. In all fairness, to them, it’s kind of the same.
8. Just. Don’t.
9. So close!
11. Self-sufficiency at its best.
10. When the spouse becomes the toddler.
12. Make it make sense.
13. You do what you gotta do.
14. Nice try, kid.
15. {{Chewing}}: Mom, look what I found under my wagon.
16. We’ll take “why are toddlers so cute?” for 200.
17. Admit it. You do it.
18. Caution: all that bubble-making can blow your mind.
19. We call this MythBusters for new parents.
20. Yep, toddlers are an enigma.
21. It’s true. They are actually this smart.
22. What is to come?!
23. What was he thinking?!!
24. Unfortunately, this is wildly accurate.
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