New iPhone App Is Tinder for Mom Friends

Peanut lets you "meet as mamas, then connect as women."

New iPhone App Is Tinder for Mom Friends

Motherhood can be beautiful. You now have a baby that loves you unconditionally and gives you the family you may have been dreaming about since you were a kid yourself.

There only one thing you might not have bargained for: Things can get lonely — especially if you don’t have any other mom friends who “get it.”

Well, there’s an app for that. It’s called Peanut.

Peanut was founded by Greg Orlowski, a dad who co-founded the British food-delivery app Deliveroo, and Michelle Kennedy, who spent the last few years working with dating apps Badoo and Bumble.

According to TechCrunch, Kennedy helped to create the app to solve the problems she ran into with online resources for moms that already existed.

To Kennedy’s taste, many online mothering forums and Facebook groups seemed “old-fashioned,” she told TechCrunch, and proved a difficult place for her to make real-life friends.

Like Tinder and other dating apps, Peanut uses a swipe-left-swipe-right mechanism — but instead of looks, parents on Peanut connect based on common interests, location and ages of their children.

If you find a mom who sounds cool, you simply swipe right to send her a “wave.” Once you match, you are free to chat, suggest meetups and create invites that can be sent to a group of friends all within the app.,

Peanut is a free app for iPhone. Sadly, moms with Android phones will have to wait a little longer.

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