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Natural Sleep Aids for Children

No screen time 2 hours before bed

Natural Sleep Aids for Children

One of the biggest challenges with my daughter is getting her to fall asleep and have restful sleep. Finding balance has always been an issue for her and it’s been a constant struggle. I’ve come up with some tips for helping you get your child to sleep and rest through the night based on what we’ve discovered. 

Don’t let your child on an iPad, computer, television, or phone starting two hours before they need to go to sleep. Being on digital devices causes them to be awake and their mind to be active. 

Don’t eat after 7:30pm

The digestive system has a funny way of keeping kids up at night. Let them eat earlier and digest their food. 

Read an hour before bed

Pull out a book and let them read or read to them for an hour before bed. It’s not only a great teaching tool but will help them relax and settle down before falling asleep. 


Having camomile tea or some sleepy time tea with lavender to help your child relax. Sometimes warm liquid can just help you feel tired and relaxed and both camomile and lavender have relaxing properties.

Exercise and activity during the day, but not late at night

Make sure that your child is getting enough time outside and enough activity where they are moving their body and really sweating. This will help fatigue their body and tire them out.