14 benefits to consider negotiating into your nanny contract

From mileage reimbursement to recreational bonuses, consider negotiating these nanny benefits into your contract.

14 benefits to consider negotiating into your nanny contract

When you’re deciding whether or not to work with a particular family employer, you’ll be considering the big picture, as well as the minutiae, of your employment agreement. Once you’ve established must-haves, like legal pay and a nanny contract, you’ll want to broach the subject of nanny benefits. While an extensive benefits package isn’t exactly a given (just 70% of nannies reported receiving basic benefits in a 2017 survey by the International Nanny Association), many employers are aware how competitive the industry is and understand the importance of providing certain standard employment benefits — and sometimes, benefits that go beyond the basic.

“Every nanny defines their own priorities when it comes to benefits, and similarly, many families value certain benefits over others,” says Shenandoah Davis, the co-founder and CEO of Adventure Nannies who sits on the board of directors of the Nanny Relief Fund

From paid time off to mileage reimbursement or even gym passes, there are a range of practical supports and extra perks that can boost security for both you and your employer. 

Here are 14 nanny benefits you should feel empowered to explore with a potential or current family employer.

Nanny benefits: the basics

1. Paid time off 

While a few states mandate some paid time off, there is no national requirement. Davis says two weeks — which will cover vacation days and personal days — is standard, although she warns nannies to be wary of a package that allows the nanny to select one week and the family to select the other. “One week of paid time off that you get to choose is not really a great deal,” she notes. You might also want to discuss separate days allotted for bereavement or adverse weather conditions.

2. Overtime

Make sure that an overtime rate of at least time-and-a-half for all hours over 40 in a seven-day work week is specified in your contract, as you’ll often work over those 40 hours, says Ryan Jordan, founder of Educated Nannies. You’re entitled to this overtime rate whether you’re full time or part time. More specific overtime laws vary from state to state, so make sure to check your local requirements.

If you’re a live-in nanny, most states do not require you to be paid overtime although there are nine exceptions — California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York and Oregon — with special overtime laws for live-in employees, notes Davis. 

3. Sick days

Just like employees in any field, paid sick leave is one of the top two most-needed benefits for nannies, says David Reischer, attorney and CEO of LegalAdvice.com. (The other is paid time off.) After all, nannies need to ensure they’ll be covered should they fall ill or need to take care of an ailing family member.

While there are currently no federal laws mandating sick leave, some cities and states have their own laws on the number of days a family employer must offer you and how they are accrued and can be used, according to Davis. For details on your local requirements, check out A Better Balance’s state-by-state overview of paid sick leave laws.

4. Paid holidays

Paid holidays are considered separate from your paid time off and will likely include at least federal holidays (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day), according to Stacie Steelman CEO and founder of Crunch Care, an in-home care staffing company. 

“It’s not unusual for a nanny to have paid time off and then any number of paid holidays,” says Davis. “Families might also say, ‘We expect you to work on a holiday, such as Christmas Day, but you will be paid overtime.” She notes that some states have rules about overtime on holidays, so nannies should clarify the rules in their state.

“It’s not unusual for a nanny to have paid time off and then any number of paid holidays.”


5. Health insurance contribution

According to Davis, this is the most requested of all the nanny benefits, which comes as no surprise. “Health insurance is a standard benefit in most professional jobs,” says Davis. “Some nannies prefer a healthcare reimbursement for their private insurance while others prefer to be added to a family’s insurance plan. It could also be a stipend — $200 a month is the minimum standard — that is earmarked for health care expenses.” 

(A note on reimbursements: These can only be applied to private insurance, as per the Affordable Care Act, employers cannot reimburse employees for the cost of premiums on insurance plans obtained through the federal exchange without being subject to additional taxes and fees.)

Meaghan Tyrrell who has worked as a child care provider in Westminster, Colorado for the past 13 years says that a family’s investment in her health can make or break a job, elaborating, “It allows me to show up as my best self for my nanny family, and it allows me to be the best child care provider I can be for their children.” 

6. Guaranteed pay

It’s also wise to make sure that you are guaranteed payment for a set number of hours per week. Daniel Butcher, founder and CEO of Los Angeles Nannies, as well as an industry veteran, says he came to feel strongly that nannies should receive guaranteed pay after he personally missed out on it. “If your family goes on vacation and chooses not to bring you with them, you essentially don’t have a job and any money without guaranteed pay or hours,” he notes. “When your employer goes on vacation, you still have bills to pay. The guaranteed hours will protect your income.” 

It also protects your family, as they won’t risk losing you to another employer should you need to take on new work while they’re out of town, Butcher points out.

7. Mileage reimbursement 

If you live in California, Massachusetts or Washington, D.C., you’re required to be reimbursed for miles you drive while on the clock. But regardless of where you live, it’s a good idea to ask for this benefit so you can recoup the cost of using your own gas to run errands or take the kids to activities. The IRS has a standard mileage rate that changes annually and is a good way to calculate how much you need to be reimbursed.

8. Open kitchen policy

This benefit makes it clear that you can eat anything in the house while you’re working, and if certain foods are off-limits, they’ll be put in a designated spot, says Davis. “This way, you can focus all your attention on the kids and not have to worry about packing meals that will take up space in their fridge or ordering lunch from an app,” she explains.

9. Household account

Talk to your family about setting aside cash or giving you a credit or debit card that will be used for various expenses incurred on the job. “This is important to me, as sometimes, I need art supplies or take the kids out to lunch, and I’ve had jobs in the past where the funds are coming out of my own pocket,” says Schroeder. 

Discretionary nanny benefits

10. Cell phone reimbursement

While it isn’t as common as paid time off or health insurance contributions, some families will provide reimbursement for your cell phone bill or offer you a separate work phone, says Davis. “If a family gives you a phone and says it’s for work, leave it at their home,” she advises. Don’t use it for personal interactions or take it home with you, as that may inadvertently give the family access to private information, including where you live and where you’re going after work or on the weekend, which you might not be comfortable sharing with your employers, notes Davis.

11. Professional development/continued education 

Schroeder says this category is becoming increasingly common, and she personally ensures that her contract covers a set amount of funds and days she can put toward professional development. 

Nanny burnout happens, and taking an all-day class, like National Nanny Training Day, or going to a conference, such as Nannypalooza or the INA Conference, will keep you excited and make you a better nanny,” she notes. “That’s money well spent for both a nanny and a family.”

You can begin by asking for just one day or $100 to put toward continuing education. “Start somewhere and then raise the bar,” says Schroeder. “Or if you’re already in a contract, that is something you could ask for at your annual review. Families will be so impressed that you want to become an even better nanny.”

12. Flextime 

“For several years during my nanny tenure, I was a working actress,” explains former nanny and child care advocate Florence Ann Romano. “I needed my employer to be flexible, regarding my hours, so I could go to auditions.” For that reason, Romano asked her employer for flextime by requesting a set number of “flextime” hours per month — in addition to paid time off — that could be applied however needed after she gave “as much notice as possible.”

Above and beyond nanny benefits

13. The pie-in-the-sky perks 

Davis says there are certain “pie-in-the-sky” benefits that nannies might receive, such as a 401K (generally offered by families with a high net worth who have many domestic employees), more than four weeks of paid time off or a locked-in percentage for annual raises. While it may be challenging to lock any of these in during a first negotiation, Davis says nannies and employers can look at these during an annual review. 

14. Recreational bonuses 

Depending on a family employer’s line of work, they might have unique bells and whistles to offer. “I know a chiropractor who does free adjustments,” says Butcher. “Some families offer their summer home for a nanny’s vacation, season passes, weekly car detailing — which is a nice gesture, especially if you’re using your car to transport the kids, and they’re smooshing Goldfish into your seat!” Other benefits along these lines include a gym membership, tickets to concerts or other live entertainment or airline miles. 

“Some families offer their summer home for a nanny’s vacation, season passes, weekly car detailing — which is a nice gesture, especially if you’re using your car to transport the kids, and they’re smooshing Goldfish into your seat!”


How to prep for your benefits talk with a prospective employer

Get clear on your must-haves, ideals and dealbreakers 

Listing the nanny benefits you need most is a key first step, notes Schroeder. “Think about it in advance and know what your dealbreakers and most important requests are upfront,” she says. While you might not frame them that way in negotiations with your employer, you’ll have them top of mind, which can help inform an open, honest discussion. 

Seek support

“If you’re nervous about hashing out negotiations and discussing the benefits you want, call a friend or ask an agency or fellow nanny to walk through it with you,” suggests Ashley Wainwright, a nanny and household manager from New Haven, Connecticut. 

When in doubt, get it in writing

Though every family’s contract will be different, it’s always a good idea to get the details in print. “It is best practice to have all your benefits in your contract with your employers before you are hired,” says Tyrrell. “You can always adjust your contract as time goes on and you feel that you should be better compensated for your work.” 

The bottom line 

Ensuring that you have the nanny benefits you need is integral to securing a stable working relationship that lasts, says Steelman. She notes, “Setting up an employment package that builds long-term protections is critical to being at ease and focused on your work while in the workplace.”

Maressa Brown

Parenting, Health/Wellness, General Lifestyle

BS in Journalism, Emerson College

• Care Senior Editor
• Author of "Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long" (Workman 2024) and “Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology” (Artisan 2023)
• Bylines on Yahoo, Parents, SELF, PopSugar and more

Maressa Brown is a seasoned, Los Angeles-based journalist, writer and editor who has written parenting, pop culture and general lifestyle content for nearly two decades. In addition to serving as senior editor for Care, her writing appears on Yahoo, Parents, SELF, Washington Post, InStyle, Shape, What to Expect digital, PopSugar and many other outlets. Brown is a member of the Authors Guild and the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). She is the author of "Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long" (Workman 2024) and “Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology” (Artisan 2023).