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My Toddler, The Copy Cat

My Toddler, The Copy Cat

I love watching my children grow, exploring the world around them and figuring out how they fit in. It always surprises me how they ask questions,  pick up on social cues and change when they learn something new about the world around them.

This summer we went back to California and spent 3 weeks with my sister and her family. She is 10 years older than I am and has children about 10 years older than mine. Specifically a daughter, Sophie who is 13. She is a teenager to the core, fun and bubbly one minute and then sassy and full of attitude with the flip of a switch. 

Emma my three year old adored Sophie and followed her around whenever she was home. The two of them had a great time together. Sophie toted her across the beach and let her sleep on the trundle bed in her room. Emma would want to wear the same colors as Sophie and it helped that they both love the color purple. Sophie made Emma’s vacation one to remember. 

Now that we are home I’ve noticed that Emma has brought some of Sophie’s famous catch phrases home with her as well. As we were picking up her toys, Emma placed her hand on her hip and declared, “Mom, all you ever want me to do is work!” This was a change from my happy 3 year old singing the clean up song and declaring, “ I’m all done” as she finished putting away her toys. Eye rolling has become a new activity and the other day when I asked Emma why she hit her sister she sassily said, “ I don’t want to talk about it.” It amazes me how toddlers pick up on things but I don’t think I was prepared  for my toddler to become a teenager over summer vacation.