How to make fresh fruit popsicles

How to make fresh fruit popsicles

Sure, you can BUY popsicles — but why not make them — out of fresh, organic ingredients? And sneak in some veggies they might never eat otherwise!

Here are three recipes that will teach kids that not all fresh, delicious food is found at the grocery store. All recipes make eight pops, total. And shhhh!! these are actually healthy!

For popsicle sticks, we used these organic sporks

1. Berry Yummy Pops


  • 1 Cup blueberries
  • 1 Cup blackberries
  • 1 Tbl blended spinach
  • Splash of water 
  • Dixie cups
  • Popsicle holders 


  • Steam spinach until soft and blend (add water if needed)
  • Now add fruit and blend all ingredients together.
  • Scoop blended mix into dixie cups
  • Add popsicle sticks or bamboo sticks and place in the freezer overnight
  • Enjoy!

2. Staw-Nana Pops


  • 1 banana
  • 5 strawberries 
  • 1 Tbl blended spinach or carrots
  • Splash of water 
  • Dixie cups
  • Popsicle holders 


  • Steam spinach or carrots until soft and blend (add water if need to)
  • Now add fruit and blend all ingredients together.
  • Scoop blended mix into dixie cups
  • Add popsicle sticks or bamboo sticks and place in the freezer overnight
  • Enjoy!

3. Orange You Glad You Had This Pop?!


  • 1 mango, chopped 
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 Tbl blended carrots
  • Water if needed


  • Steam carrots until soft and blend (add water if needed)
  • Now add fruit and blend all ingredients together
  • Scoop blended mix into dixie cups
  • Add popsicle sticks or bamboo sticks and place in the freezer overnight
  • Enjoy!

Recipes inspired by The Chic Site

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