How to Get Your Baby to Clean Stuff: One Dad’s Hilarious Video Tutorial

How to Get Your Baby to Clean Stuff: One Dad’s Hilarious Video Tutorial

Cleaning is possibly one of the worst household tasks ever invented. It’s boring, it takes too long, and it tricks you into thinking you’re actually making progress…but really, it just reveals hidden layers of filth and grime in your home that you never knew about. Before you know it, it’s 10 years later and that long-lost Elmo doll you found behind the couch is rendered useless because your kids are now in college. 

But one man has discovered an ingenious solution to this problem: make your kids do it. And start ’em early.

If you’re big into mom/dad bloggers, then you’ve most definitely come across the hilarious “How to Dad” Youtube series by Jordan Watson a.k.a. every parent’s idol.

(If you haven’t heard of it and love tongue-in-cheek humor, check it out NOW…yes, I’ll allow you to navigate away from my blog post just this once.)

In the most recent installment, Jordan provides parents with an invaluable tutorial on how to get their babies to clean the house for them. (If you’ve ever read a parenting book or developmental psychology paper before, you know how important it is to establish good habits early!) For any parents out there who share my hate/love/mostly hate relationship with cleaning, this instructional video is for YOU.

At the very least, this wonderfully cute video will give you a nice little chuckle. AND HOW ADORABLE IS THAT BABY’S ONESIE??

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