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How Should I Decline a Job?

How Should I Decline a Job?

I went on an interview last night and after I got home I got to thinking that I don’t think I would be a good fit or like the position. The gal said she would let me know one way or another Friday. What’s the best way to politely decline the position?

I think there are two ways to go about it. You could call today and say that something has come up and you need to take yourself out of the running for her position, but you wish her the best of luck.

Or, you could just wait for Friday and if she offers you the job, be honest and say you got thinking about it and don’t think you’re the best fit. Keep it short. Don’t go into details about why, and just be polite and gracious. Always go with your gut about a job, your gut is usually never wrong. Good luck!