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How Meditation Can Keep Cold and Flu Season at Bay

Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW is a psychotherapist specializing in stress-related disorders and author of the forthcoming book Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms (The Experiment Publishing, January 2017)

How Meditation Can Keep Cold and Flu Season at Bay

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Not only do our school aged children descend upon us with pounds of paperwork to fill out, sign, and return but also with all of those lovely germs generously shared with one another.

We moms need all the help we can get fighting off those germs.

So besides washing hands regularly, eating healthy, and getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night – I meditate.

Research now shows that meditation — even small doses of it — can provide us with a more hearty immune system. Here’s what you need to do…

Take a brief thirty seconds and give it a try. Right here, right now.

  • Pause and become aware of sensations in your body. Do you notice tightness anywhere?  Are your shoulders raised up toward your ears? Is your brow furrowed? Can you soften those areas?  
  • Now relax your belly, noticing it rise and fall as the breath naturally comes and goes. Count it rising three times. If your mind wanders (which happens to everyone), simply return your attention to the breath and begin again. Each time your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the sensations of breathing in the belly.
  • Congratulations. You have just practiced mindfulness meditation. Increase this time to five minutes a day. 

Wishing you and your family a healthy, happy school year.