2020 holiday guide for parents and caregivers

2020 holiday guide for parents and caregivers

The 2020 holiday season is looking pretty different for families and caregivers, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s a lot more to factor in for everyone’s health and safety, and many families are adapting their Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Year’s celebrations and travel plans accordingly.

No matter what this holiday season may look like for you and your loved ones, we’ve put together creative tips and ideas, expert advice and yes, gift ideas (!!!) to help you make the season bright. There’s still plenty of holiday fun to be had and reason to celebrate with those you love, near and far.

During COVID-19:

For families:

For caregivers:

Holiday activities for kids

Caring for seniors during the holidays

Holiday recipes

Gift ideas for everyone

Gifts for caregivers, teachers and tutors

Gift ideas for kids

Gift ideas for new and expecting parents

Gifts for seniors and grandparents

Gifts for pets

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