The best websites for free math help

The best websites for free math help

The average elementary school student in the United States spends roughly six hours per week learning math in the classroom — more than 200 hours a year — but only about 40 percent of fourth-graders test at a “proficient” level or higher in age-appropriate mathematical principles. It’s become common for students to seek outside-the-classroom help from peers and, increasingly, from the always-on resources of the internet. Here are some of the best sites to visit when looking for free math help online.

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Free Elementary Math Help

  • Khan Academy: place value, measurement and data, counting, addition and subtraction

  • MathPickle: logic, factoring, patterns, skip counting, percentages, composite divisors

  • Hooda Math: word problems, basic operations, rounding, equivalent fractions

  • Arcademics: counting, integers, money, time, decimals, ratio and proportions

Free Pre-Algebra Help

  • Khan Academy: factors and multiples, negative numbers and coordinate planes, equations, expressions, inequalities

  • primes, order of operations, fractions, decimals, exponents, properties

  • Hooda Math: unit rates, explaining points on a graph, proportional relationships, rational numbers

  • Math Goodies: order of operations, exponents, integers, writing algebraic expressions and equations

  • Math Planet: inequalities, one-step equations, integers, fractions and factors, ratios and percent

Free Algebra Help

  • Patrick JMT: fractions using inequalities, radical notations, rationalizing the denominator, factoring, solving linear equations

  • exponents, radicals, polynomials, factoring polynomials, division of polynomials

  • Math Planet: graph functions, matrices, polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions

  • absolute values, direct variations, distributive properties, dividing by zero

  • Khan Academy: variables, substitutions, evaluating expressions, dependent and independent variables

Free Geometry Help

  • Khan Academy: transformations, congruence, similarity, analytic geometry, circles

  • Brightstorm: postulate, axiom, conjecture, rays, vertex and diagonals, angle bisectors

  • Math Planet: measure line segments, polygons, angles, parallel lines, transversals, proofs

  • Hooda Math: subtracting linear expressions, proofs, pythagorean theorem

  • asymptotes, domain and range, point slope forms, slope of a line

Free Trigonometry Help

  • Patrick JMT: unit circle, complementary and supplementary angles, simplifying expressions, Heron’s formula  

  • Khan Academy: trigonometry with right triangles, unit circle, sine, cosine, tangent, graphs of trigonometric functions

  • Brightstorm: Pythagorean Theorem, radian measure of angles, sine and cosine waves, the tangent function, trigonometric identities

  • derivatives of trig functions, double/half angle formulas, magic identities, measuring and angle

  • trigonometry word problems, secant, cosecant, cotangent, inverse trigonometry, degrees and radians

Free Precalculus Help

  • Khan Academy: conic sections, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, probability and combinatorics, series

  • slopes of lines, tangent lines, shifting, reflecting, piecewise functions, absolute values

  • Brightstorm: conic sections, sequences and series, equations of lines, parabolas, circles, polynomial and rational functions

  • parallel lines, skew lines, planes, parent functions, reflective transformations, power functions

  • Patrick JMT: parabolas, piecewise functions, point-slope form, polynomials, linear functions

Free Calculus Help

  • Brightstorm: limits and continuity, derivatives, differentiation, antiderivatives, differential equations

  • Patrick JMT: calculating a limit, continuity, intermediate value theorem, derivatives, centroids

  • chain rule, inverse functions, log and exponentials, differential equations, implicit functions

  • Khan Academy: existence theorems, accumulation and Riemann sums, derivatives, antiderivatives, definite integrals

  • quotient rule, chain rule, product rule, derivatives, exponential function, limits and continuous functions

Free Statistics Help

  • Patrick JMT: calculating probabilities, calculating variances, box and whisker plots, expected values, binomial distributions

  • Khan Academy: study design, permutations, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, significance tests, advanced regression

  • normal distributions, mean, mode, median, probabilities

  • frequency tables, tally charts and line plots, pictograms, cumulative frequency, ANOVA test, random variables

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Robyn Correll is a mom, writer and public health professional based in Houston, Texas. She's spent over a decade working at the intersection of health and family and has been known to nerd out over a really great data set. When she isn't working, she's chasing after her two young children, going on adventures, and eating tasty things.