15 Healthy Birthday Cake Recipes
Satisfy your child’s sweet tooth with these surprisingly delicious and healthy birthday cake recipes. A fun, delicious birthday cake is...
Satisfy your child’s sweet tooth with these surprisingly delicious and healthy birthday cake recipes. A fun, delicious birthday cake is...
Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and your kids are itching to DIY that perfect something special. Something she will keep...
The selection on Netflix can be a little overwhelming — especially for little ones. At last count, there were hundreds...
It’s easy for parents, nannies and kids to get cabin fever when stuck inside all day. Plan some indoor games...
If you’re the parent or nanny of a 4-year old, it’s no surprise your child has a short attention span...
There are many benefits of team-building activities for kids. By working and playing together, all kids — from toddlers to...
You’ve got shelves full of books. A toy room full of toys. But still, your kids want something to do. Here’s...
Looking for games to play in the dark? Look no further. Whether the power is out or you’re just looking...
Helping kids find out what makes things tick can be one of the most fun parts of parenting. So the...
Scissors, paper, glue and markers: these are the essentials of any craft room, and your child is sure to be...
Trying to think of something creative for your kids to do on a rainy day indoors, but fresh out of...
No matter what ages your children are, they all have on thing in common unending amounts of energy. They have...
This summer, bring back a classic. Introduce the kids to jump ropes in all their colorful beaded and fringe-accented glory....
Having PLAY-DOH handy has always saved the day for Liz Weirshousky, mom of three in Bethesda, Md. When she hosts...
Running errands with little ones can be challenging, but sometimes you can’t avoid a trip to the supermarket. To prevent...
The big double digits… who could forget the pride they felt when they turned 10? Age 10 is a big...
There are many reasons kids should play outside, from expressing creativity to running freely to making messes without worrying about...
When you first brought him home, he was tiny. It’s hard to imagine the man he will someday become. Though it’s difficult...
There’s no doubt about it, there are some positively adorable outfits for little girls out there nowadays. While you may...
With all the stress of planning your child’s party, it’s easy to overlook the party favors — but that doesn’t...
Cake and presents may be the main attraction of your little one’s birthday party, but you’ll want to have some...
When planning a tea party for a birthday, sleepover or just for fun you’ll want to include some games to...
With so many computer applications out there and data available at the touch of a screen, you may not realize...
You’re a parent, so you’ve probably heard the buzz about making sure to use BPA-free products to ensure your child’s...
From Mary Poppins to Supernanny, parents have seen a few too many miracle-working child caregivers to be 100 percent sure...
After the excitement of pregnancy and labor, the next journey of parenting begins: breastfeeding. Both mom and baby have to...
Though there are a million options, choosing the best bottles for breastfeeding babies may be easier than you think. Letting...
Your baby has mastered basic purees and can swallow them with ease. It’s time to move on to stage 2 baby...
Learning to walk is a process that begins with pulling up, cruising and then attempting those first wobbly steps. And...
Pacifiers. Binkies. Dummies. Soothers. No matter what you call them, “the best pacifiers are the ones your baby will take,”...
Your 9-month-old’s attention span is growing, and it’s a struggle to keep her entertained. A month ago, she was content...
From tiny jeans and flowered tights to knit caps and adorable PJ’s, buying clothes for your baby is super fun....
It seems a shame to hide the feet of the little ones – but, especially in the early months, you’ll want...
Learning how to make burp cloths is a wise investment of your time — you always need more than you...
A baby blanket is often more than just a cover to keep your little one warm. Handmade blankets can become...
At 3 to 6 months, your child is no longer content to just lie there and gaze at your loving...
As a new mom, you can sometimes feel like you’re isolated from the world around you — stuck in the...
Babies are often stuffed up and congested, but when is a baby stuffy nose something to worry about? Knowing what...
Parents and caregivers know that teething can cause many different ailments for little ones, from mouth pain to interrupted sleep....
Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs you’ll ever have. And kids don’t come with a manual! Instead, many...