Pneumonia in Dogs — What You Should Know

How to recognize and care for pneumonia in your sick pup.

Pneumonia in Dogs — What You Should Know

If you’ve noticed your dog doesn’t have much spunk in his step, is losing weight or has been coughing, he might have pneumonia. While the condition is treatable, you don’t want to waste time before getting the ol’ boy seen by your vet. To help keep your pup healthy, here’s what you need to know about pneumonia in dogs.

Two Types: Bacterial and Aspiration
The first thing you should know is that pneumonia is a condition that involves inflammation of the lungs. Dogs can get two types of pneumonia: bacterial and aspiration (also called inhalation pneumonia). “With a bacterial infection, most commonly the infection starts in the alveoli (where oxygen is exchanged),” explains veterinarian Dr. Amber Andersen, the medical director and owner of Redondo Veterinary Medical Center in Los Angeles.

“The body produces inflammatory cells and fluid accumulation as a way to fight off infection. On the other hand, aspiration pneumonia is caused by a secondary infection that causes inflammation in the lungs with the overaccumulation of mucus.”

Identifying Bacterial Pneumonia
Bacterial pneumonia is brought on by disease-causing bacteria. Several types of bacterial organisms can lead to the development of pneumonia in your dog. The most common culprits are streptococcus, staphylococcus and E. coli, notes Dr. Andersen.

Common symptoms your dog may exhibit include cough, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, difficulty breathing, dehydration, nasal discharge and rapid breathing. Look for behavioral changes, which you should be able to easily identify. “We adopted a dog and immediately took her for a hike with friends that same day and noticed she was walking very slowly and coughing.

We imagined she probably had kennel cough so took her to the vet immediately to get her started in treatment,” remembers Bonnie Schwartz, a dog owner in Santa Fe, New Mexico. “The vet took some chest X-rays and she was diagnosed with pneumonia.” Thanks to quick action by Schwartz, her dog was treated before too much time had passed.

Identifying Aspiration Pneumonia
Your dog can get aspiration (inhalation) pneumonia by inhaling foreign matter — such as vomit, food or gastric acid — or by neurological disorders that cause swallowing problems or laryngeal paralysis. Neuromuscular disorders affecting your dog’s nerves and muscles and disorders of the esophagus can also cause the condition.

If your dog has aspiration pneumonia, the symptoms are quite similar to those of bacterial pneumonia and can typically include coughing, fever, lethargy, decreased appetite and, in severe cases, elevation of the head while taking deep breaths, explains Dr. Andersen.

Treating Pneumonia
The treatment for both types of pneumonia in dogs is similar, depending on the severity of the condition. “Treatments may include antibiotics to help fight the infection, bronchodilators to help open the airways and, in more critical cases, oxygen therapy,” says Dr. Andersen. Your dog might need a nebulizing treatment, which is medication delivered by spray or mist, or might need to be “drummed” on with cupped hands, which is a treatment known as coupaging.

In the case of bacterial pneumonia, your pup will need antimicrobial medication. If your dog has lost weight or is severely dehydrated, intravenous (IV) fluid may be given, and she may be hospitalized to better facilitate treatment. Just as in humans, it will take some time for your dog to fully recover. “Our vet gave us antibiotics for our dog. Within days she started to feel better and get spunkier, but it probably took about 10 days or two weeks for her to really start showing her joyful, energetic self,” notes Schwartz. “We were glad to notice and catch it quickly. My advice would be a vet visit if you’re seeing any signs of lethargy and coughing.”

Aspiration pneumonia in dogs isn’t something to take lightly, as it can be fatal if it’s not treated right away. The condition may cause severe respiratory distress and require suction of the airways to help the dog resume normal breathing patterns. Seek treatment immediately if you suspect your dog has aspirated.

Preventing Your Dog From Becoming Ill
Keep your dog with pneumonia away from all other pets, recommends Dr. Anderson. Bacterial pneumonia is quite contagious and is easily passed from dog to dog. “If you have multiple dogs at home, isolate your pet to prevent the spread of the infection,” she advises. “Clean all toys, bedding and bowls that your sick pet may have contaminated.”

The chance of your dog developing bacterial pneumonia is reduced by regularly vaccinating your dog to help prevent infections that can lead to pneumonia. This is especially important if your dog frequents a kennel situation and is regularly exposed to numerous other dogs. It’s also a good idea to talk to your dog walker or dog sitter about limiting your pet’s interactions with stray or unknown dogs who could be carrying an infection. Regular annual exams with your vet also serve to keep your pet healthy and prevent the early onset of diseases.

Want more on dog health? Read about Preparing for a Pet Care Emergency.

Victoria Georgoff is a freelance writer, psychotherapist, lover of all animals and owner of a delightfully fluffy cat named MJ.

* This article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be providing medical advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The reader should always consult a health care provider concerning any medical condition or treatment plan. Neither nor the author assumes any responsibility or liability with respect to use of any information contained herein.

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