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Au Pair Tips: Developing New Language Skills

Au Pair Tips: Developing New Language Skills

How to make the most of your time abroad by learning a new language.

As the Irish author Frank Harris once said, “every new language is like an open window that shows a new view of the world and expands your attitude towards life.” The benefits of mastering a new language are not to be underestimated: It can open new doors both privately and professionally and lead to new friendships.

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A stint as an au pair is one of the best ways to pick up a new language as you will attend a language course and use the language daily. But how can you ensure that you are making the most of your time there? Here are four tips that will help you maximise your time in the host country and pick up as much of the new language as possible:

1. Bring basic knowledge

It is important for every au pair to be able to understand the language of their host country and to be able to express herself. Au pairs should therefore have a basic knowledge, approximately A2 level, of the language of their host country before they arrive.

If you have not yet reached this level, you can take a language course or a language trip in advance to prepare yourself for your au pair stay. A combination of language lessons and contact with native speakers will greatly expand your skills.

2. Choosing the host family

Your choice of host family will have a great bearing on the development of your language skills. You can open yourself up to greater choices of host families by maintaining your profile and being visible to families looking to hire an au pair. The more options you have to choose from, the greater chance you will have to find a host family that are communicative and will help you on your quest to learn their native tongue.

3. Meeting other au pairs

Making new friends and hanging out with other au pairs also provides a great opportunity to practice your new language. Where possible, build relationships with locals. While it might seem difficult at first, it will be a huge help in attaining your language goals over time. Conversing with locals will help you get an authentic and colloquial grasp of the language and will expand your knowledge base much quicker.

Making new friends and conversing with locals will largely be dependent on your attitude and approach. If you are open and communicative yourself, it will make it much easier to bond with new people.

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself

While learning a foreign language is a core benefit of the au pair programme, it is not the only value that you will take from this experience. Au pairs should therefore not be too hard on themselves when it comes to learning this new language. Rather, you should take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of the host country and get to know its people. You should enjoy your new life and bond with the host family as much as possible. When you focus on these things, the language won’t be far behind!

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