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30 Cute Italian Dog Names and Their Meanings

Italian dog names are much more original than your run-of-the-mill Spot and Fido! Here's a list of 30 names that will be a perfect match for your bellissimo pup.

30 Cute Italian Dog Names and Their Meanings

When it comes to naming your dog, you want to come up with something original. By choosing from Italian dog names, you can give your pup a name that stands out at the dog park. There are many ways you could go about choosing an Italian dog name. You could be traditional with nomi di persone, or get silly and name your pooch after your favorite cheese or pasta!

This list of 30 Italian dog names will help you pick a name that is perfetto for your cane:

Personality-Based Names

  1. Valentino
    Traditionally, Valentino means “brave” or “strong.” But if you’re a fashion lover, you may want to name your pup after the designer.
  2. Gabbana
    If you’re not a Valentino fan, then maybe you like Gabbana! The name means “creative man.”
  3. Mario and Luigi
    You can’t break up this dynamic duo! The name Mario, from the god Mars, means “warlike,” and Luigi means “renowned fighter.”
  4. Bacio
    What pup doesn’t like to give her owner kisses? Bacio, meaning “kiss,” is a great name for your affectionate pup.
  5. Dolce
    While many may think of the word “Dolce” as the partner to “Gabbana,” it actually means “sweet” in Italian. Another great name for an affectionate dog!
  6. Zitto
    If you have a collie or another dog that doesn’t bark much, you may want to consider the name Zitto. Zitto means “quiet” in Italian.
  7. Pavarotti
    Have a howler on your hands? Name him after the famous opera singer Luciano Pavarotti.
  8. Uffa
    Similar to the saying “oy vey,” uffa is a sigh of distress — perfect for a dog who may be a little mischievous.
  9. Colombo
    Colombo is a good choice for the pup that likes to seek and explore, like a basset hound.

Appearance-Based Names

  1. Baffi
    If you have a bearded collie, you may want to consider naming him Baffi, which means “mustache.”
  2. Bruno
    Bruno is a classic name for someone with brown hair. If your dog has a brown coat, Bruno is definitely a good pick!
  3. Cesare
    A long-haired terrier is the perfect match for this noble name.
  4. Primo
    You’ll always remember your number-one fur baby with a name like Primo. Primo means “first” in Italian.
  5. Rocco
    Rocco is a strong Italian name that means “battle cry.”
  6. Ghirardelli
    A chocolate lab is just begging to be named Ghirardelli. It may be a bit of a mouthful, but at least it’s a delicious one!


  7. Espresso
    If you love coffee and your energetic miniature pinscher, Espresso should be on the top of your list of potential names.
  8. Tino
    Love small breeds? The name Tino, meaning “small,” will be perfect for your teacup pooch.
  9. Bella
    Bella is not only a classic Italian girl name, but also a beautiful name for your little principessa.
  10. Toro
    Is your dog built like a bull? Why not name him Toro?
  11. Bianca
    Bianca, meaning “white,” is a fitting name for dogs like the Maltese or poodle.


  12. Leona
    Your Tibetan mastiff may get mistaken for a lion. If that’s the case, you may want to name her Leona, which means “lion.”
  13. Alto
    Alto, meaning “tall,” is a perfect name for an Italian greyhound.
  14. Pelo
    Have a furball for a dog? Go for a literal name like Pelo, which means “hair” or “fur.”
  15. Lupo
    Dogs such as huskies are well-suited for the name Lupo, which means “wolf.”

Food-Based Names

  1. Salame
    Dachshunds are often called “hot dogs.” Why not give it a unique spin by naming her after an Italian type of sausage, like Salame?
  2. Caramello
    Caramello, meaning “caramel,” is a good match for dogs with caramel coats.
  3. Nutella
    Have a sweet dog with a rich, brown coat? Then name him after Nutella, the popular hazelnut spread.
  4. Cannoli
    While we are on the topic of sweet dog names, Cannoli, a Sicilian pastry, is the perfect name for a tan-and-white dog such as a Jack Russell terrier.
  5. Mozzarella
    If you want to put a funny spin on the name of your white dog, try Mozzarella. Not only is it creative, it’s fun to say, too!
  6. Linguine
    If you don’t like Salame as a name for your skinny dog, why not try Linguine? Linguine is pasta in long, thin strands.

And check out these 101 Real and Funny Dog Names.

Stephanie Glover is the blogger and photographer behind A Grande Life. She lives life with her two boys and husband, taking it one latte at a time!