7 Ways to Help Your Child Cope When Saying Goodbye to A Nanny

7 Ways to Help Your Child Cope When Saying Goodbye to A Nanny

From relocation to new employment, the working relationship between nannies and the family they work for can end for many reasons.

As this often happens after many years together, it can be a distressing parting for the children, nanny and parents.  

When the working relationship with a nanny ends, developing a new type of relationship can be confusing for both employer and employee. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid it, says psychotherapist Robi Ludwig. “When you hire a nanny, they become part of the family, and to just sever ties seems very severe, especially to a child who probably loves this person,” she says. 

As it’s never easy to say goodbye to someone we love, here are some tips for helping your child through the transition after their nanny leaves — and how to help them when it’s particularly hard to let nanny go. 

1. How children handle separation with a loved one 

Before the age of 3, most kids won’t have too much trouble adjusting to losing a nanny, says Ludwig, adding that kids this age may let the relationship taper off naturally. 

After age 3, the transition gets trickier. “If your child shows signs of withdrawal — if he seems sad, talks about the nanny a lot, or has trouble adjusting to a new nanny — he may not be transitioning well,” she says. “It’s important to talk to your child about his feelings, and let him know that it’s okay to miss his nanny, but that it’s also okay to have fun with a new nanny.” 

2. How to tell your child your nanny’s leaving 

The key to a successful transition is making sure your child understands what is going on, says Ludwig. Sit down and explain, as much as possible, why the nanny is leaving. 

3. What to say when your nanny’s leaving on good terms: 

  • Explain that they’ll still be able to see the nanny, although not as frequently, if no one is moving far away. 

  • “Let them know that even though the nanny may not be in their lives in the same daily way, they can still be a part of each other’s lives,” says Ludwig 

  • Suggest keeping in touch through letters or email 

  • Most importantly, says Ludwig, make sure your child knows he didn’t do anything wrong. 

4. What to say when your nanny’s leaving on not-so-good terms: 

Sometimes families have falling outs with their nanny and the goodbye is more, well, permanent. Ludwig suggests using these tactics when explaining the separation to your child: 

  • “With younger kids, you don’t want to tell them more than they can handle,” she says. “You can be vague and say that the nanny had to move on, making sure that your children know it had nothing to do with them.” 

  • For kids 5 and older, who can handle more of the truth, “explain that the nanny behaved in a way that made you uncomfortable,” says Ludwig. “Older kids understand that.” 

5. How to help your child maintain a relationship with a former nanny 

“Maintaining a relationship with a former nanny isn’t a must,” says Ludwig, adding that most kids are resilient enough to handle losing a nanny. “But if you really love her, and your kids love her, it’s wonderful to continue the relationship, and transition it from a working relationship to more of a family one.” 

Many nannies pride themselves on maintaining relationships with the children they’ve cared for, says Ludwig, who suggests having a frank conversation with your nanny about the ways you’d like to keep in touch. 

6. Staying in touch is good for the child too. 

“Maintaining the relationship gives the child a sense of continuity and lets them know that this person will still be in their life, even if not in the same way,” says Ludwig. 

Ideas for keeping in touch: 

  • Invite your former nanny to birthday parties 

  • Set up special one-on-one dates 

  • Stay in touch via email and phone calls 

  • Help younger kids send letters and pictures 

7. Should you pay for visits with a former nanny? 

For many parents the question is whether to pay your nanny for the time spent alone with their children. “If you’re asking your former nanny to babysit, then yes, you should pay her,” Ludwig says. “But otherwise it’s a personal relationship, one that your nanny is choosing to continue on her own personal time, and you shouldn’t pay her, even if you’re the one who suggested the visit.” 

Most nannies love staying connected with the children that they’ve cared for, and some maintain the relationship long past childhood. Still, if your nanny is taking time out of her schedule, or incurring expensive commuting costs, it’s nice to acknowledge how much it means to you by giving her spending money to take your child out somewhere special, says Ludwig. 

While many relationships fade as time goes on, if you and your children have a special bond with your nanny, staying in touch after parting ways may ensure a friendly, loving relationship for life.  

Read Next: What Is a Night Nanny and Do I Need One?  

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