Your Back to School Morning Routine

Hello again, back to school chaos!

Your Back to School Morning Routine

Does everything go a little nuts in your home on those back to school mornings? Don’t worry. You are not alone! Start the school day stress-free with the following tips.

When parents and kids are battling for the bathroom, tripping over sports bags and forgetting to brush teeth, it may be time to introduce some new morning routines. Thankfully, most families only need to tweak a few little details to have a relaxed and stress-free morning. Here are a few tips to help you on your way:

1. Bedtime routine

Make sure that both you and the children go to bed at regular times. This routine is especially important so the little ones can be fit for school in the morning. Reading a bedtime story together is a tried and tested way of preparing the children for sleep. Always place the next day’s clothes, backpacks and lunchboxes in the same place. This creates familiar habits so nobody has to go searching in the morning.

2. Plan for the morning in the evening

Many parents find great relief in making the necessary preparations the evening before. Pack the schoolbags right after dinner so there is only a quick check required in the morning. When leaving the clothes out for the next day, stack the items in the order in which your child will get dressed. For example, put their underwear on top of their t-shirt on top of their trousers, etc. This way your kids will always know which step to do next and won’t dawdle when getting dressed. Another time-saving, night-before tip is to set the table for breakfast right after dinner.

3. Get up before the children

Children can feel it when their parents are stressed. To prevent transferring your morning flusters, get up at least 15 minutes before the kids and open the curtains and windows in the little ones’ rooms. This will give them a little time to adjust to the daylight and to get up in a relaxed environment. While they are orientating themselves, you can get dressed and enjoy that first coffee in peace.

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