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Why do dogs dig holes? Here are the top reasons

Why do dogs dig holes? Here are the top reasons

A dog digging a hole may look like a cute cartoon character. But when dogs dig holes in real life, any pet owner knows it’s anything but endearing. Muddy paws, uprooted plants and even the risk of injury are all potential harmful side effects of a bad digging habit. It’s enough to leave you asking: Why do dogs dig holes in the first place? 

In the right circumstances, such as being left alone for long periods or sharing a backyard that’s also home to wildlife, any dog will dig. But all is not lost: the vast majority of dogs can also be trained to give up this beloved pastime.

We investigate the reasons why dogs dig holes so you can determine what’s motivating your pup’s digging behaviours — and stop it once and for all. 

4 common reasons why dogs dig holes

Wondering why your dog’s paws are covered in dirt — for the tenth time today? Feeling bored or anxious are the main motivators for dogs’ digging. But not all reasons why dogs dig in the dirt are necessarily signs something is troubling them. Here, we dive into what motivates dogs to dig holes and offer up questions that dog owners can explore to determine what kind of digger they have on their hands.

1. Boredom 

Do you have an active, playful dog or puppy who won’t stop digging? Boredom is the most likely reason. Just as with dog zoomies, puppies of any breed often exhibit digging behaviours due to their naturally higher exercise requirements and energy levels. 

When it comes to determining if your dog is digging because they are bored, it’s a good idea to take note of both their physical and mental exercise needs. Being aware of the activity level that dogs of a certain breed require to meet their needs is another important factor.

On the flipside, some breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Basset Hound and Bulldog have naturally lower activity levels, so they may need less exercise but more mental stimulation to keep them from digging. Use mind-stimulating toys such as treat-dispensing balls to keep them busy when left on their own.

In general, it’s a good idea to put mental exercise rather than physical exercise at the forefront when it comes to curbing boredom. Since energy levels vary, providing outlets to keep your dog’s mind busy is the best way to safely exhaust your pup so they are less inclined to dig holes.

2. Anxiety or escape behaviour

Stress can be a driving factor for dogs when they dig. Just as with boredom, keeping these dogs mentally occupied with food-dispensing balls or puzzle toys is important. Keep them busy instead of exposing them to the stress of being outdoors by themselves.

Is your dog digging relentlessly near or under a fence? This may indicate separation anxiety. For dogs with anxiety or a fearful temperament, digging habits can become obsessive. Look out for signs that your pet’s behaviour is becoming compulsive, such as constant digging, running around looking for spots to do it or even trying to dig into carpets.

If you notice escape behaviour or obsessive digging, consult a vet right away. They may recommend medication or techniques for modifying your pet’s behaviour.

3. Instinct based on breed

Some dogs may exhibit digging behaviour due to their natural instincts. Here are the top biological reasons canines dig holes:

They are hunting 

When it comes to hunting, it’s in the genes. Searching for creatures like rodents is a behaviour that’s hard-wired into dogs. Some dog breeds seem bred to dig more than others — such as the Dachshund or West Highland Terrier.

They are preparing to give birth 

Is your digger a pregnant female dog? It is also an instinct for dogs in the wild to dig when they are nesting during pregnancy or wanting to lay low from predators. 

They are trying to regulate their temperature 

If left outdoors during warm months, some dogs will dig to try and escape the heat. This is most common in large working dog breeds such as the Newfoundland, who become diggers in search of the cooler ground that lies beneath the grass. 

4. Curiosity or retrieval 

Is there something in that area the dog is digging for? Curiosity can also be a cause of digging. Some dogs will even dig to bury something they may wish to retrieve at a later time, such as a bone. If you can’t quite work out why your dog is digging, and think it may because they are just curious, here are a few questions to consider:

  • Do you have plants that are dropping fruit or nuts?
  • Do you have a plant growing something with a scent that dogs may like? 
  • Is there a rubbish or recycling bin nearby?  
  • Are squirrels hiding their nuts in your garden? 
  • Is there something, such as a bone, that the dog wants to hide from another family pet? 

How to stop your dog from digging holes

Given the potential consequences, digging must be prevented at all costs. Digging can rip nails and cause a dog to ingest things like rocks, sticks or fruit stones. These can cause obstructions in the GI tract or throat which could potentially require surgical removal. 

And what if your pup catches that animal they’re after? Catching a creature can expose both dogs — and their owners — to diseases like rabies and leptospirosis, and require medical treatment.

To keep your pet safe and healthy, here are some ideas for how to prevent and stop your dog from digging.

Establish good habits early on

Owners should discourage their dogs from digging from day one to prevent bad habits from forming. Once a disruptive behaviour like digging is repeated a few times, it becomes tougher to stop. A top tip to prevent digging is to never leave puppies outside unattended. Otherwise, boredom and curiosity will set in. This is also important for keeping your dog safe in general. Puppies are curious creatures and their adventuring spirit can get them into trouble — this can kick in at different stages of their development in different ways. Training and close supervision are crucial in their first 12 months.

Create a safe space to dig

If your dog is a breed that is instinctually wired for digging, one solution is to provide an area where it is appropriate to dig holes in search of safe items to uncover. Filling a paddling pool or sandpit with dirt and buried toys for them to dig in is a good way to channel the energy in a way that isn’t disruptive for others.

Guard areas you don’t want your dog to dig holes in

Consider placing fencing or chicken wire under the ground in parts of your garden or outdoor area where you’d rather your dog didn’t dig. This will create a less desirable underlying layer of earth for dogs to dig.

Check your property for signs of pests

Live in an area where there is wildlife nearby? Your pet may be trying to sniff out other creatures like foxes or rats. Consider deterring unwanted visitors from your garden humanely. This can easily solve a digging habit spurred on by your dog’s instinct to hunt.

Be sure to offer cool spots in the summer

If you notice that your dog’s digging is accompanied by panting and drooling, it’s a good indication that they’re too hot. To prevent overheating, give your dog freedom of choice when it comes to temperature regulation. Make sure they have access to a cool and shady space when the weather is hot. Installing a pet door could be a good way to let them come inside and out of the sun whenever they like.

Ask yourself ‘What’s on the other side of the fence?’

If you have a dog that is digging under a fence, take a minute to try and determine why they are trying to get to the other side. Is there another dog over there who they’d like to play with — or feel threatened by? Arranging for the pets to meet on a playdate may help manage the heightened energy at the fence line if it’s a friend they’re after.

Is your dog is spayed or neutered? If not, their motivation to get out of the yard may be to mate. Digging is a common pastime of dogs looking to breed. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to consult a vet about the best time to spay or neuter your pet.

The bottom line on why your dog digs holes — and what to do about it

While some dog breeds dig out of instinct and curiosity, most dogs dig holes due to boredom and anxiety. No matter the motivation, unattended digging behaviour in all dogs should be discouraged because it can cause more harm than good.

To prevent puppies from forming a habit of digging holes when they’re bored, be sure they aren’t left alone outside. Your pet may need to be retrained if they’re already in the habit of digging holes. 

Start this process by assessing your pet’s temperament, breed, age and environment to determine why your dog is digging holes, and then taking action to stop this behaviour. Consult a vet if you notice incessant digging to the point of injury or that continues even indoors on carpets, as it may qualify as obsessive behaviour that requires expert behavioural intervention or medication.