With Spring on the way, chances are that you busy people are gearing up to declutter your cupboards, pack away winter clothes, clear out the cobwebs and generally add back the sparkle into your homes right?
Or maybe you are hoping your partner will get the ball rolling, by doing some of those repairs, dealing with the rubbish or tackling the bigger jobs in the garden.
However you manage the housekeeping at this or any time of the year, one thing is for sure – as busy working parents, families, and people with full lives, finding the time to do any of this can be the trickiest task on the list.
With this in mind, we at Care.com asked how tasks were shared in families and between couples in the UK. Some of the findings were unsurprising – everyone hates cleaning the oven, for example – however the differences between genders were quite eye-opening. It seems that we ladies stick to the “indoors” jobs, such as our number 1 chore, the laundry, followed by shopping (72%) and cleaning (68%) while the men have a go at the outside jobs such as repairs (64%), driving (55%) and sorting the rubbish (55%). Take a look at our Spring Cleaning themed infographic below to see how the numbers worked out!
Men in the UK also believe that tasks such as food shopping and doing the dishes are fairly shared amongst the family, whereas women believe they manage a lot of these household tasks on their own!
Not that I’m giving away any family secrets here, but this is a pretty familiar breakdown of roles when it comes to household chores. With today’s modern families juggling parenting with a career, a home and many other demands, bringing in help with these often time consuming tasks can help the family no end. It can provide peace of mind and allow you to enjoy being a family again.
Don’t forget the working parents’ mantra – know when you need to ask for help. Deep cleaning a house is rarely achieved by one willing woman alone. Call in help using Care.com’s army of housekeeper, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly and efficiently these tasks can be completed. Then relax – it’s all done for another year!
Traditional Roles Around The House
Are roles in your family traditional ones, where the men do the "dirty" jobs and women do the "clean" ones?