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How to Make Your Application Perfect for the Job

Are you perfect for the job? Here are 11 ways to tailor your application to a job posting - to show you're perfect for the job!

How to Make Your Application Perfect for the Job

When you find a job posting for a position you know you’re perfect for, you want to be sure that your application is number one on the employers list. If it’s a great job, there may be several other care providers who also think that it’s the job for them.
Follow these 11 steps to personalise your application and perfect your profile.

1. Think About The Employer
Instead of focusing on yourself in the application, focus on the employer. What is important to the employer? What are their needs? What are their expectations? You should answer these questions, and tailor your application so that you are the solution to the potential employer’s needs. The message you compose to accompany your application is your opportunity to shine.

2. Focus On The Job Posting
Employers will looks for someone who fits their unique set of needs. Carefully look at the job posting to help you plan a cover letter. 
Break the posting down into a list of requirements. What tasks will you be expected to perform? What personality traits is this employer looking for? The posting may explicitly ask for specific characteristics, such as creative or mature, but look beyond what is stated. Does the position appear to require someone skilled at multi-tasking?

3. Imagine You’re The Employer 

Anticipate what this employer may consider important. If a job requires doing the school drop-off and pick-up, a clean drivers license will be a high priority. Mention you have no motoring convictions and the length of time you’ve held a drivers license.

4. Highlight Your Experience
Think about your past positions and determine the value you brought to previous employers. Focus on the most important aspects, rather than giving a detailed, bullet-point list of every single duty you performed in the past.

5. Create a Yes-No List
Create a list of your skills and the job requirements and then write a “yes” or “no” next to each requirement, based on how well your qualifications meet each need. If the description is more heavily weighed on the ‘no’ side, do not apply. You will not be happy, and it will be a great waste of time for you and the employer.

6. Be a Good Match
Take note of the tone of the job listing. Is it very formal or casual? You will want to communicate using the employer’s language.  We naturally gravitate to people who are like us so you want to make sure that you convey that you are a natural fit for the position and for them.

7. Use Examples 

If a job description includes preparing meals, give details of when you have demonstrated your cooking abilities. For example: “In my previous position, I was responsible for preparing healthy, hot lunches daily for a family of five.”

8. Know Your Availability 

Your availability will be the first thing most employers will consider. If your schedule is flexible, mention this. Unexpected events arise, and the position may require you take on tasks beyond the original job description. If you are willing to take on new challenges, say so.

9. Be Open
A prospective employer will get a better feel for who you are if you include a brief statement about your own goals. Keep this short and honest.

10. Include a Call to Action
Finish off by expressing your desire for further contact. Let the employer know you welcome the opportunity to present your qualifications during a personal interview.

11. Re-Read and Double Check 

Proofread your letter for grammar and spelling. A careless error will make you look sloppy. Read it aloud to hear the flow of words. Your ears often pick up what your eyes miss when reading.

Engage employers in your application, and get them excited about reading your CV. Tell them why you are the best candidate and don’t be shy of promoting yourself!