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Gifts for Newborns

Here are's favourite gifts for newborns. There's some lovely ideas and definitley some gifts for newborns you may not have thought of.

Gifts for Newborns

Sophie La Girafe
Anything from this beautiful range would be a welcome addition to a newborns collection. Sophie la girafe originated in France, they’ve been giving these toy giraffes to newborns for over 50 years. These handmade rubber toys are soft, supple and all natural. Their rattlers are light and easy to grip for babies, unlike so many others on the market which can be too heavy.

Tummy Time
The Lamaze Discovery Pyramid is a great choice for a mirror. Its triangular shape means it will remain stable whilst you and babe sit on the floor admiring your beautiful selves. Babies have a fascination with faces, they don’t yet recognise their own but from a few weeks old will begin to recognise familiar adults and event the dog! Since their long sight is still developing, place the mirror only about 20-30cms away from their face. This fascination with faces means that, as the baby gets older it the Pyramid can be used to promote short periods of ‘awake tummy time’, which you can also support with products such as the all-in-one seat and recliner shown by TummyWithMummy to help develop neck, shoulder and arm muscles.

Books for Babies
It’s never too early to start communicating with your little one. Babbling Babies is a wonderfully illustrated activity pack for families. The activities focus on 5 key areas: Playing and interacting, learning to listen, learning and understanding new words, expressing myself, exploring and developing. Written by practitioners with specialist experience in developing communication with under threes, these stacks of cards and activities will develop your little one into a chatty baby.

Sleepwear from The White Company
Wrap baby up this winter in some beautiful sleepwear from The White Company. Take a look at the Tom Check Sleepsuit or The Polar Bear Sleepsuit, we challenge you not to be impressed by just how cute the images are! And the gentle colour palettes and warm fabrics won’t disappoint either. Commended for their quality, this a lovely present for a newborn that’ll last well beyond the Christmas period.

Neal’s Yard Pure Baby Massage Oil
A 100% organic, fragrance-free blend of easily absorbed base oils is ideal for massage or for soothing areas of dry skin or cradle cap and good to use on newborns. The use of the oil encourages tactile interaction with babe who is learning to use all of their senses, and whose touch is particularly heightened. Wonderful as it is, no doubt you’ll want to “borrow” some to use on yourself for relaxation.