Does Your Child Need a Tutor?

With exam season in full swing, we look at the warning signs that your child is struggling with revision

Does Your Child Need a Tutor?

Nothing sends a clearer signal that your child struggled with their exam revision than a poor grade come August.
But you don’t have to wait until it is too late to pick up on the signs that your child needs help. If you suspect that they are struggling with revision, talk to their teachers. In most cases, a teacher can provide suggestions to help address any difficulties and any appropriate tutoring that may be required. Also, the school counselor can also be an excellent resource.
It can be difficult to determine why your child is having difficulties preparing for exams. While sometimes it may be that their revision methods are not a good match to their learning style, remember that it could also be as simple as your kid needing to avoid simple distractions from friends, the internet etc.

Warning signs
However, it might be time to take action if your child:

  • Seems to work hard, but still struggles with understanding subject
  • Takes a surprisingly long time to finish what seems like basic revision tasks
  • Gets easily distracted when trying to revise and makes excuses about why it isn’t getting done
  • Frequently expresses frustration with particular subjects and teachers
  • Gets angry with you when you try to explain something they don’t understand
  • Starts to say they hate school and don’t see the point of doing well in exams
  • Appears stressed and anxious about the exams, which is triggering difficulties at school or at home.

How to get help
If you see your child struggling, take action.

  • Talk with your child
  • Remember that your child’s teacher and school counselor are trained to address this type of situation
  • Make an appointment with one or both of them
  • Tell them your concerns and see what their perspective is
  • Reach out for help by browsing tutors – find am exam tutor in your area who can work with your child one-on-one
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