What advice would you give to new mothers?
Tami Anderson
No-one can prepare you. Listen to people’s advice but at end of the day a mum knows best, follow your instinct.
Care.com UK
Your a new (again) mum, is there anything you are looking to do differently this time round?
Tami Anderson
Much more relaxed. Only difference is putting her down to sleep at night. Little Mr A slept downstairs for 1st…
Tami Anderson
year & hard to break that Little Miss goes down in her crib at 7pm on her own to sleep Nothing else I would change.
Care.com UK
How do you maintain a great relationship with your partner?
Tami Anderson
Difficult when you are tired! Have a rule that phones/computer etc off at 9pm and we spend time talking/watch TV
Care.com UK
That’s a great rule! What’s your favourite weekend activity to do as a family?
Tami Anderson
Enjoy going for a meal at local family pub. When weather nicer going for walk on beach & getting ice creams!
Care.com UK
Sounds wonderful! One more Q! Who do you go to for advice on parenting?
Tami Anderson
I usually go to friends first with children around the same age. Sometimes the internet can be helpful.
Care.com UK
Agreed! Thanks for your time!