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Beating Those First-Day-of-School Nerves

Back to school nerves are natural but they can cause lots of stress. Here at we've put together ten tips on banishing any term-time worries!

Beating Those First-Day-of-School Nerves

It’s only natural to be worried about heading back to school – and that goes for parents and children! Of course it’s an exciting time but a change in routine can be stressful.
To start the school year off right and to make the transition easier, follow these 10 tips:

1. Establish a New Bed Time 

weeks ahead of the first day back so you all get into the new routine. This will take pressure off the night before the actual day as you and the children will be used to it already. Being well rested is essential for children to perform at school – so make sure they start going to bed a little earlier each night in preparation.

2. Get Everything Together
Before the first day of term – and that means more than just school supplies. Make sure you’ve got any forms filled out, such as permission slips and medical checks, so you’ll feel calmer too.

3. Help Your Child Prepare 
By involving them in the process of getting organised. Go out shopping for new pencil cases and lunch boxes together – that way they’ll get to pick their favourites and they’ll be excited to use them when the first day comes around.

4. Practice the Routine 
Through establishing familiarity with how the school day will run. So do the walk or drive to school together as a practice-run, talk about the lessons they’ll be attending and where assemblies will be held.

5. Talk to Your Child Care Provider
As whether they are a nanny, babysitter or family member, they are an important part of the routine. That way things will stay consistent before and after school, when you might not be around.

6. Meet Your Child’s Teacher 
Build a relationship with them before the first day if possible. Talk to them about any struggles your child may have had last year and let her know that you want to be involved.

7. Share Your Memories 
Talk about your own school experiences and be optimistic by mentioning the positives. Talk about your favourite teacher, great friends you made or a fun assignment you remember working on.

8. Get Ready the Night Before 

The night before school will be full of excitement, and it’s the perfect time to start getting ready for the big day. Pack bags and have clothes out and ready to go. Once everything is set for the next day, focus on having a fun and relaxing evening. Make it a family night with a special dinner, a celebratory dessert and some bonding time.

9. Don’t be late!

Once the big day has arrived, keep to the schedule. It can sometimes be easier said than done but if you’re prepared you’ll be fine.

10. Plan Some Fun 
Think of things to do when school ends on the first day. Yes, you may have to run and grab some last-minute school supplies, but when that’s taken care of what is something fun you can do together? Knowing this plan is in place will help get you and your kids through the initial stresses of that first day.

Having a first great day of school starts weeks ahead of time, but with these tips your kids can have a stress-free and exciting first day of school.