Back up Care — When the Chips are Down

Dr Sigrid Daniel writes about her personal experience of finding back up care for her family. Here are her top tips for finding back up care quickly!

Back up Care — When the Chips are Down

You know how it goes: your boss has asked you to prepare a presentation for an important meeting out of the office. You’ll need to leave at least one hour early, in your smartest office outfit and who knows what time you’ll get home? Your husband has his plate full with similar commitments. It’s OK – you have your childcare lined up and all will run smoothly as usual. Won’t it?
Your alarm is set and you’re out of bed quick as a whip – as you rush for the shower to be on time the mobile goes. It’s your childcarer – and she’s not well. What to do? It’s 7.00am and the clock is ticking.
This is typically the day when you go back into that dark place that says – This is too hard — how can I be a mum and a worker and keep my sanity? Relax. Breathe. (Well, try to).
Having been there a few times myself, I have an informal system that has worked well for me – using my regular babysitter for those moments when the chips are down.
Call in your favourite back up carer. Hire a babysitter for a regular slot, for example every other Friday so that you and your husband can go out for a quick bite to eat or to catch a film (see our resources on hiring). That way, you won’t be caught out by illness or absence. There are plenty of students, nannies and childminders that look for evening work to supplement their income – the trick is, to use them regularly enough so that they keep up to date with the children and will always answer that 7.02am text that says – “Help me please!”

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