All about Au Pairs

Is an au pair the right fit for my family?

All about Au Pairs

More and more, families across the country are using au pairs to help provide in-home child care for their kids. This unique arrangement can be a bigger commitment for parents than hiring babysitters or nannies because the family who hires an au pair also becomes her host for a year, but the potential bonus of hosting au pairs is huge!

Au pairs are foreign nationals – young people from outside the United Kingdom who are looking to come here for a year to work in child care, take classes in higher education and experience life in the UK. It’s as if they’re one-part nanny and one-part exchange student.  An au pair lives with a host family, cares for their children and, in return, the hosts provide room, board and a weekly stipend.

The term “au pair” is French for “on par” or “equal.” An au pair is supposed to be an equal part of the family, rather than someone you simply hire to help out.

Many parents love hosting au pairs because they’re such a cost-effective way to provide high-quality childcare. Au pairs generally cost less than some nannies or babysitters. But they’re not the best solution for every family. So what about yours?

If you’re trying to decide if hosting an au pair is right for you, here are a few questions you’ll need to ask yourself:

Do We Want Someone to Live with Us?
Taking on an au pair is more than hiring a babysitter or a nanny – you become hosts in the process. As a host family, it is likely that you will need to meet a list of government requirements. Such as providing housing, food and transportation, so (depending on where you live) you may be required to have a spare car and extra living space for the au pair.

Can We Provide More Than Just Living Space for Our Au Pair?
If you do have the living space, an au pair can really be cost-effective, but not for free! By law you are required to pay au pairs a weekly stipend and in some cases contribute toward educational fees.

Do Our Schedules Change Often?
If you’re a parent who works odd hours or travels for work, au pairs can help cover those times when your career keeps you away from home. Au pairs are great because most are available and willing to work around your schedule. But you do have to keep in mind that the government will regulate the hours an au pair ought to work weekly.

How Long of a Commitment Do We Need from Our Au Pair?
Typically, au pairs stay with a family for one year. That means if you choose an au pair, you’ll have to find a replacement for her 12 months down the road. Transitioning to a new caregiver can be tough for your kids, so you’ll have to decide if you want a child care provider to be a part of your family for a longer time period.

How Important is the Cultural Experience an Au Pair Can Bring into Our Home?
Every au pair brings his or her own country’s heritage, culture and history with them. It’s exciting to have someone from another country live in your house and help open your family’s eyes to the world outside of the United Kingdom. Plus, showing your au pair how we do things here is so much fun! But you’ll have to think how these cultural experiences will impact your family before making your decision. 

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