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11 steps to starting your own pet care business

11 steps to starting your own pet care business

Pet care is a billion-dollar industry, but tapping into it is easier said than done.

Making the transition from pet lover to pet care pro means figuring out the licences, certifications, start-up costs and payroll considerations. A little soul searching is also required.

It’s important to realise that running a pet care business is more than just kissing kittens and playing with puppies. It can be a very physically demanding job, you’re alone a lot and it needs to be treated like a business, not a hobby.

Starting your own pet care business can be daunting, but it can also be very rewarding. Follow these 11 steps and you’ll be well on your way to a new career.

1. Decide what you want to be

When it comes to spatial needs and certifications, there’s a big difference between being a dog walker and running a multi-animal boarding business. Once you’ve settled on the what, you can start thinking about the where, why and how.

2. Develop a business plan

What will you call the business? How big do you want it to be? Do you plan on hiring employees? What about marketing? As you develop your business plan, think about who can be your mentors and what resources are available to you. Be sure to look at the local and national requirements for running your own pet care business. Start with resources like for general information about setting up a business and statutory guidance on the animal activity licensing process.

3. Find a location

Whether you’re planning to board, groom or train animals, you’ll need to find a space that fits your needs. Tour similar businesses to get an idea of your spatial needs. Then, once you find a space you think will work, be sure to check with your local authorities about any relevant regulations, permits or use restrictions.

4. Get a lay of the land

In addition to making sure the location meets your physical needs, scout it from a tactical perspective. Do research into your target demographics, where your competition is and where you are going to find customers. Make sure you have a customer base big enough to sustain your business. For example, if you’re starting a dog walking or grooming business, make sure it’s located near plenty of pet-friendly housing. Identifying the customer base and competition around your location will help inform your business and marketing plans.

5. Take a step back 

Ask yourself: What does starting this business mean for me and my family? Will this be a full-time or a part-time business? Remember, owning and operating a business can be like a job on top of a job, so make sure to discuss your plans with your loved ones.

6. Figure out financing

Do you need to negotiate a lease and build out a vacant space? What about insurance and licensing costs? As you calculate how much start-up capital you’ll need, begin to figure out how you’ll raise it. Determine how much of the cost you can put up yourself, and then look at other financing options, such as small business loans. If you already have a good relationship with your bank, it can make sense to approach them for a loan, but it’s also possible to shop around.

7. Sort out your certifications

Not all pet care businesses require certifications, but most have some level of education or training. Consult this statutory guidance on the animal activity licensing process to learn about required certifications or permits and how to obtain them. Animal Careers Direct has a large directory of relevant courses. Beyond sharpening your skills, obtaining and drawing attention to relevant certifications can be a great marketing tool.

8. Outline your policies

Think about your hours and your workflow. Make sure your pricing is competitive, but sustainable. Decide how you’ll handle customer payments, and spell out liability and requirements in contracts. Plan how to notify customers about your time off and how to handle replacement care.

Make sure you don’t overlook emergency and contingency plans. For example, it pays to get veterinarian contact info, a vet release form and pet guardianship paperwork from customers.

9. Get your business licence and inspections

Requirements, fees and inspections will vary depending on your local authority. In Wigan, for example, there’s a £267.00 fee (plus an additional administration fee) to obtain a licence to home board dogs. Once you submit or renew an application for a licence, your local authority will then appoint a suitably qualified inspector to carry out an onsite inspection.

10. Don’t forget about taxes 

Visit to sort out your tax obligations as a self-employed individual or small business owner and your responsibilities in terms of payroll taxes, local and national requirements, VAT and expenses.

11. Start “selling” yourself

Establish your web presence before you’re open for business. Start with a website spelling out your business offerings, location, hours, rates and your bio. Use social media and community marketplaces, such as, to promote your services and engage customers. Think about what you can offer that other local companies can’t. The bottom line is that you need something that makes you unique to stand out from the pack.