Recently, we asked nannies and carers to take part in a survey, so that we could better understand how they use technology.
With close to 1000 respondents, the message was loud and clear – traditional rewards are nanny’s favourite incentives for their charges, while the good old-fashioned telephone call is still the preferred way to stay in touch.
While over 20% of you will have a smartphone or tablet with you at work, over 33% of you don’t use technology at all for your job – shunning a sneaky game of Angry Birds as a reward for good behaviour. Instead, a whopping 77.5% of you offer a fresh air reward such as a fun outing to the zoo as a treat, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
As for the improvements to day to day organisation that technology can bring, maybe you are all texting and emailing your employers every day, with Instagram photos of your lovely playmates? Well, it seems that today’s nanny still prefers the good old fashioned conversation with her employers to keep parents up to date with the day’s activities. More than 75% of you are hitting the phones to chat about how things are going.
One place that you are keen to use technology is when you are looking for new information and updates on child development or childcare specific information. This is where you hit websites such as to keep up to speed on what other carers and experts are saying about looking after children.
How very refreshingly in the spirit of Mary Poppins!
Tried & Tested Is Best
We asked nannies and carers to take part in a survey, so that we could better understand how they use technology. Is tried and tested best?