Few things are more frustrating for a parent or caregiver to hear from a child than the dreaded “I’m bored!” Maybe it’s because we know there’s a pile of perfectly good toys in their room just waiting to be played with. Or maybe it’s because they’re clearly looking to us to solve the problem for them.
No parent or caregiver wants kids to sit around bored for hours, so what’s the right way to handle the situation? Here are a few ideas on the best ways to help kids get active and deal with boredom.
First, know that being bored can be good for kids
Experts agree that children today are often too busy and over-stimulated and recommend parents and caregivers view bored kids as an opportunity, rather than a burden. In fact, boredom is a great way to help kids boost their own creativity and grow in important ways.
Experiencing a feeling of boredom can help teach kids to take responsibility for their own entertainment and exploration of the world around them.
When a child is forced to come up with their own ways to entertain themselves, it gives them the opportunity to look inside and think and learn about their own interests and passions.
Children who say they’re bored may also simply be looking for company and communication from the adults around them. Boredom doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of exciting things to do, but an absence of stimulation and attention in their direct environment.
Cuddling for a few moments on the couch with a child may be enough to reset their busy minds and recharge their batteries.
Then, create a “Bored Jar”

A “Bored Jar” full of fun activity ideas, like this one from The Frugal Family, is one way to get ahead of the boredom game without completely solving the problem for kids. Work with the child to come up with a list of things they like to do. Write each item down on a slip of paper and put all of the papers in the jar. The next time you’ve got bored kids on your hands, tell them to choose a slip from the “Bored Jar” and let them work on whatever idea they’ve picked.
Here are 31 ideas to get you started.
Boredom-busting ideas for active kids
1. Play a sport outside
This is such a simple idea, but sometimes kids just need someone to put it in their heads. You can make several list items out of this one—football, badminton and swingball are just a few options.
2. Wash the car

Kids love doing tasks that make them feel grown up and accomplished, and this idea fits the bill perfectly. The bonus, of course, is that you get a nice clean car out of it, too.
3. Go for a bike ride
Depending on the child’s age, a bike ride can be up and down the drive (with you keeping an eye on them) or around the neighbourhood. Older kids with more freedom may even bump into local friends along the way and end up having fun outside for hours.
4. Do “mindful movement” videos
Apps like GoNoodle are full of mindful videos that are designed to release pent-up energy in kids while helping them learn at the same time. Kids may be familiar with GoNoodle from school, and it’s easy for parents to create a family account ahead of time so that kids can use it whenever they need to dance their boredom blues away.
5. Play hide-and-seek

An oldie, but a goodie. This works for families with siblings and can be done inside or outdoors. If they are playing this outside, set limits for how far they can go to find a hiding place.
6. Make a den

Kids love making dens and blanket forts, and it’s a great idea for summer or winter days when you’re all stuck inside. Let them use pillows, blankets and anything else that is hanging around to create their own private domain. Bringing in a torch and some stories will keep them busy for quite a while.
7. Have a dance party
Create a playlist with kids ahead of time and then put it on when they choose this option. By the time they’re finished dancing and singing along to their favourite songs, they’ll be bored kids no more!
8. Make an obstacle course

If you have a bored toddler or pre-schooler on your hands, they will need your help with this, but primary school kids can handle making an obstacle course on their own. Older kids will feel accomplished creating it themselves and will be excited to show you what they’ve done. Looking for inspo? Garden Patch has a simple-yet-challenging obstacle course for the back garden.
9. Clean and re-organise their room
Depending on your child’s taste, you may hear some groans if they pick this one. If they seem less than excited to tackle it, offer up cleaning the kitchen as an alternative. Odds are they’ll make a beeline for their bedroom and end the day with a clean room that they feel good about. Another way into this one—propose some cool new storage ideas.
10. Do a yoga or fitness class

There are lots of yoga and fitness classes online that are geared towards kids of all ages. Make a playlist ahead of time so that it’s ready to go when they choose this option. Take a look at Cosmic Kids and Kidz Bop for child-friendly video options.
11. Go on a Lego hunt
You’ll need four pieces of paper and an assortment of Lego pieces in matching colours for this Lego hunt activity. Start by laying out the four pieces of paper and hiding the Lego pieces somewhere in your home—or have older siblings hide them. Kids must then find the Lego and place it on the matching coloured paper until all the pieces have been found.
12. Go on a scavenger hunt
Have an older sibling create a scavenger hunt list that younger siblings have to find in or outdoors. If you’re playing with an only child or young children, you’ll have to make up the list yourself, but it will keep them busy looking for a good amount of time.
Boredom-busting ideas for kids who love to be creative
13. Write your own story
Put together a box or jar of storytelling prompts ahead of time and tell the child to choose one to use to create their story. Ask them to make a cover picture for the story, as well.
14. Draw murals outside with coloured chalk

Bring out a big box of coloured chalk and let them loose on your drive or patio. If you have a primary school-age child who likes a challenge, tell them to draw you something that tells a story and then have them narrate it for you when they’re finished.
15. Put on a play
In this activity, children can create simple plays (depending on their age) and use clothes from around the house to put on their show when they’re ready.16. Do an art challenge
There are lots of art challenges on YouTube, such as the Three Marker Challenge, that kids will get a kick out of trying. There are also many channels dedicated to helping kids create their own art, such as Art for Kids Hub. Parents can set kids up with one of these to really get their creative juices flowing. If you’d rather not use electronics for this one, try writing up a list of ideas for them to pick from at random.
17. Get into a cool podcast
There are so many great kids’ podcasts—for toddlers up to teens—including everything from storytelling and advice to cooking and science education and more. The perfect activity for downtime.
18. Make Play-Doh sculptures and put on an art show
A great activity for pre-schoolers! You can even put some glitter in a few of the play dough colours to make it a little more exciting for them.
19. Collect stones and paint them

In this activity, kids can search for the most interesting stones they can find in the garden, drive or local park. Once they’ve gathered them, give them some paint and have them paint the collection in whatever way they want and then display their work in their room. How cute is this painted rock turtle from Kid Friendly Things to Do?!
20. Create chalk dolls and dress them up
Kids can trace each other’s bodies with chalk or you can do the tracing for them. Once they have the basic body shape, they can draw the faces, hair and other details and then use clothes from their drawers to dress up their chalk dolls.
21. Write a letter to a grandparent or older relative
In this activity, children choose a grandparent or older relative to write a letter to. The letter can be about absolutely anything, and you can show them how to address and post it when they’re done. Not only will kids be doing an interesting language skill-boosting activity, but you’ll have one very happy person when they receive their letter.
22. Create a toothpick tower

The toothpick STEM challenge is an ideal way for kids to improve their problem-solving skills while doing something fun. All you need are some toothpicks and play dough or small marshmallows. This toothpick creation from The Rural Headteacher is pretty cool.
23. Do a jigsaw puzzle
If you have older kids, make sure you have some jigsaw puzzles around with lots and lots of pieces for this activity. Smaller kids will be happy doing several less complicated jigsaws.
24. Create a “When I grow up” poster
In this activity, ask kids to think about what they want to be when they grow up. Once they’ve decided on something, ask them to make a poster all about that career. Encourage them to use a computer, tablet or phone to look up facts about the career they’ve chosen.
25. Put together a time capsule
A time capsule project, like this one from Somewhat Simple, is so fun! Have kids collect items that they feel represent the time they’re living in. Older kids can also fill out simple questionnaires about themselves to put in the jar. Once it’s all set, ask them to put it in a hiding place for you all to find and open up on an agreed-upon future date.
26. Make slime

Yes, you may be tired of slime and all the slime-related messes, but there’s no doubt that this is a kid-approved project that takes up a good chunk of time. Plus, kids are learning about chemical composition, and it’s a fun sensory activity for them once it’s done. From this fluffy slime from The Best Ideas for Kids to stretchy slime, there are lots of recipes available for you to choose from.
27. Plan and make your own lunch
Kids aged 7 and older can definitely do this activity. Ask them to come up with their own lunch menu (including dessert) and have them make it. Younger kids should stick with sandwiches or anything that doesn’t need to be cooked.
28. Bake cookies or brownies
Kids love baking and this is another activity that helps them feel useful and accomplished. They’ll need you or an older sibling to help, but the good news is you get to eat the goodies once they’re cooked!
29. Create some snack art

Give little ones a few items to use to create their own snack art, like this “flower” from Nadja Kvisgard. Have them make one for you, too!
30. Create a gratitude or vision board
Have some large poster paper on hand in case the child chooses this option. Ask them to put together a gratitude board that is made up of things they’re grateful for, or a vision board that represents what they hope for themselves for the year. Once they’re done, hang it up in their room so they can see it every day.
31. Write a letter to people in the community
Go to Give…A Few Words to find out how to send a letter to someone experiencing isolation and loneliness. Have kids write their own letter and help them post it when they’re done.