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Your Back to School Guide

Your Back to School Guide

Back to School Guide

As summer winds to a close, it’s time to go back to school. No more lazy days of summer. Instead, you have to deal with buying school supplies, packing healthy lunches, helping with homework and finding after-school child care, etc. Scared yet? Don’t worry! Here are A+ tips to help you manage the chaos and send your kids back to school.

1 Month Before School Starts

  • Save money on school supplies by doing your back to school shopping early, so you have time to find the best deals and avoid the crowds.
  • Figure out what to do with your kids when school lets out. Explore your after-school child care options now, so you’re not left scrambling at the last minute.
  • Want to hire an after-school sitter? Start the process early–the best nannies and babysitters get snapped up early in the summer.
  • Ensure your child has a great first day of school and an even better school year by getting organized and preparing early.

3 Weeks Before

  • Talk to kids about important issues they may face this year. Watch a few back to school videos together to kick start the conversation.
  • Is your child starting a new school? Ease the transition this week by going on a tour of the building, scheduling play dates with new classmates, etc.
  • Sign up for after-school extracurricular activities, if you haven’t already. Find the right one(s) for your kids.

2 Weeks Before

  • Get arty with some back to school crafts. They’ll get your kids in the school spirit and they make great gifts for teachers.
  • Learn about the most common back to school problems that parents face–and how to solve them!
  • Plan how your little ones will get to school and how they’ll get home. Decide if they’re ready to walk to school alone.

back to school guide

1 Week Before

  • Contact your child’s teachers this week to see if they have any advice before school starts.
  • Consider purchasing a special back to school gift for your kids.
  • Get kids on a regular schedule before school starts, going to bed early and waking up early. Have them fill out a nighttime routine checklist.

The Day Before

  • Head to the store and stock your fridge and pantry with food to make these quick and healthy breakfast and lunch ideas.
  • Squash any back to school worries that may be cropping up today by talking to your kids about how great school is.
  • As you prepare your kids for school, get yourself ready, too.

The First Day of School

After School Starts

Further useful articles:

back to school guide