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How to Treat Nappy Rash With Home Remedies

How to Treat Nappy Rash With Home Remedies

All babies get nappy rash from time to time. While you might treat your baby’s sore, red bottom by applying an over-the-counter cream or ointment, home remedies for nappy rash can work just as well. Find out how to treat nappy rash by taking a look at our seven favourite home remedies.
Before trying out one of these remedies, evaluate hidden sources of bacteria that may be contributing to the nappy rash. If you use cloth nappies, make sure to wash them well to remove unwanted bacteria as well as detergent that could promote or worsen the rash. Cloth nappies can harbour a host of unwanted germs if not washed properly.
If using cloth nappies and washing them yourself, use very hot water and rinse several times to make sure all the detergent is removed. Boil them for 15 minutes after washing to make sure that all the germs are killed and all the soap is removed.

  1. Make Your Own Nappy Rash Cream
    One balm known to reduce inflammation while providing a protective barrier combines the following: ½ a cup of shea butter, 2 tbsp coconut oil, ¼ a cup of non-nanoparticle zinc oxide, 7 drops of lavender oil and 7 drops of chamomile oil. Gradually combine ingredients on a low heat to make the balm. Once made, keep the balm refrigerated and apply between nappy changes after warming it up in your hands.

  3. Use Apple Cider Vinegar
    Cider vinegar has a number of antibacterial qualities, making it a sure way of getting rid of nappy rash quickly. Add a cup of it to your baby’s bath water, or alternatively mix in a teaspoon full with half a cup of warm water, and use a cloth to gently dab the rash. Be aware, though, that it may sting a little if the rash is severe!

  5. Create an Essential Oil Spray
    Like many parents, you may have heard about the healing powers of pure essential oils. Add ½ a cup of sweet almond oil, ¼ a cup of water, 3 drops of tea tree oil and 3 drops of lavender to a spray bottle. Shake the bottle each time before you use it, and spray your baby’s bottom twice before putting on a fresh nappy.

  7. Spray Chamomile Tea and Honey
    Chamomile and honey are both antiseptic and soothing, so rapidly aid the skin’s healing after a nappy rash appears. Combine two cups of chamomile tea with a teaspoon of honey in a spray bottle. Then spray the nappy rash throughout the day, after each nappy change.

  9. Go with Aloe
    Save money and heal your baby’s nappy rash by applying aloe vera gel directly to your baby’s sore area. You can use either bottled aloe vera gel, or gel straight from the leaves of the plant to calm inflammation.

  11. Draw a Porridge Oats Bath
    Good old fashioned porridge oats are a great answer for how to treat nappy rash: they soothe a baby’s skin, helping it to heal. Simply wrap half a cup of oats in cheesecloth so they cannot escape into the bath water, and then add them to your baby’s warm bath.

  13. Apply Cornflour
    Use cornflour to dry your baby’s bottom instead of talcum powder can make a noticeable positive difference to your baby’s nappy rash. Keep a container of cornflour near your nappy changing area and apply it after using homemade nappy rash cream. Be aware that cornflour can make a yeast nappy rash worse, and also be sure to keep cornsflourtarch (or any powder) away from little lungs.

Aside from trying out these 7 home remedies for nappy rash, make sure to keep your baby’s bottom clean and free of bacteria by cleansing the area thoroughly during nappy changes. Water can clean off more than you might think. Warm water on a clean cloth to thoroughly cleanse the area works just fine.