Tips for a Productive Easter Weekend

Tips for a Productive Easter Weekend

With the long Easter weekend upon us, what is the best way for families to free up their time so that they can spend quality time together? Spring cleaning, DIY and getting the children’s school uniforms ready might be on our to do list, but this final holiday weekend is not the time to do it.
Of course, we all need to get these things done. It’s how we do it that gives us the chance to make it more fulfilling.
Try these 5 tips for a more relaxed and energizing Easter weekend:

1. Get crafty

Set up a decorating table outside filled with eggs, paints and paintbrushes. This can be your children’s egg painting station. Create a treasure hung map that your children can use for your family egg hunt. If you have a nanny, you can ask her to help with planting the chocolate eggs and drawing the map.
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2. The Easter story

As children like to understand and celebrate religious ceremonies, research and tell your children about the meaning of Easter, if it fits with your family’s beliefs.

3. Time away

Give your partner an hour away from the family and ask them to do the same for you. With the longer days, this could even be a stroll once the children are in bed. When you are away, give yourself the time to enjoy your surroundings and the changes that spring has brought.

4. Enjoy a meal together

If your children are old enough, get them involved in choosing ingredients, shopping for them and cooking the meal. Even if they play a small part, helping with mealtimes is a helpful and positive step for their development.

5. Finally…

…if you really need to get chores and other necessary jobs done, be very strict with yourself and what you can achieve. Break down large chores into chunks of one hour tasks and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get everything done. Long weekends are for you to chill out, come together and create some lovely family memories. Enjoy!

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