At the end of a long day, the prospect of a date could seem like a chore. Leaving the house again, ready to spend some money may be the last thing you feel like doing. However, spending quality time with your significant other doesn’t necessarily mean going out or splashing cash. These seven at-home date night ideas will show you how to keep the spark alive in your relationship, without leaving the house!
Have an Indoor Picnic
Break up the usual dinnertime routine by setting a different scene: after the children have gone to bed, set up a cosy indoor picnic for two in the living room. Keep things between the two of you by leaving your phones in a different room and keeping the TV switched off. Whether you cook the food yourselves, or order a takeout, this indoor picnic will help you unplug and reconnect. Dim the lights, play some relaxing music and light a few candles for added romance.
Play a Game
When your little ones aren’t around, let your inner child run wild. Pull out a classic board game, pop in a video game or pull that old deck of cards out from the drawer. Whatever activity you choose, make sure you both find it enjoyable so that it will have you laughing. Laughter does the same thing to your brain chemistry that holding a baby, having an orgasm and exercise does. You’ll be more relaxed and carefree when you can laugh it out with your spouse.
Read a Book
Whether you read it separately and discuss afterwards or take turns reading out loud, sit down and read a book you’ve chosen together. Though it can be any genre that you both enjoy, suggests reading a relationship book, which you can use as a jumping-off point to talk about what’s going well in your relationship and how you can each work to strengthen it. Think of it as a book club for two, and set aside time regularly to discuss the latest chapter.
Eat Breakfast in Bed
While the children are still sleeping on the weekends, make breakfast together (or swap who’s in charge of cooking every week) before hopping back in bed to eat. Make plans together for your day, enjoy a few moments of uninterrupted adult conversation or just pretend you’re on vacation at a fancy hotel. Having your date in the morning guarantees that you’ll be energised and upbeat, instead of tired and moody, at the end of a long day.
Give Each Other Massages
Who says that you can’t reconnect and relax at the same time? Whip out the lotion or oil, watch online videos to learn a few basic techniques and take turns massaging each other. Some people connect more through relaxing activities when there is less pressure to talk, and massages can be a fantastic way to get in touch (literally) with your partner.
Peruse Photo Albums or Watch Old Home Videos
Take a walk down memory lane by flipping through your wedding album or watching some memorable home videos. Use these happy memories together as a way to bond and have a good laugh. Looking back at your past relationship can be a great reminder of why the two of you fell in love in the first place.
Grab a Cup of Tea or a Glass of Wine
Pressed for time? Grab a drink and sit and talk, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Ten or 15 minutes can really boost the relationship. Talk about your day, share something interesting that happened or tell your partner something that’s been weighing on your mind. Since these mini-dates only take a few minutes, consider making this a daily evening ritual. Whatever your at-home date night ideas include, try to find ways to talk to each other.
Romantic Ideas for Date Night at Home