Fun ways to exercise indoors for school-aged kids (5-11 years old)

Fun ways to exercise indoors for school-aged kids (5-11 years old)

Just because you’re stuck indoors doesn’t mean the kids can’t let off steam and bump their heartbeats up a notch. According to the Canadian government, physical activity for kids reduces stress, improves self-esteem, improves fitness, bone health, posture, and balance, and increases attention and academic performance. That’s a lot of awesome stuff!

Whether the weather is sunny, rainy, or something in between, there are a zillion ways to keep kids healthy and entertained. Check out our list of indoor workout ideas for kids that they can enjoy in any type of weather.

Know the physical activity guidelines for school-aged kids

The government offers the following physical activity guidelines for 5- to 11-year-olds:

  • Children aged 5-11 should accumulate at least one hour of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily. But more is even better!
  • To make the most of their physical activity, try to include vigorous-intensity activities at least three days per week, and activities that strengthen muscle and bone at least three days per week.

Get in a mix of exercise types

Children and young people should get a good balance of different types of exercise each week, including:

  1. Aerobic activities. Try jump rope, dancing, martial arts, or running in place. 
  2. Muscle-strengthening activities. Try push-ups, squats, resistance exercises using body weight or resistance bands, or some forms of yoga.
  3. Bone-strengthening activities. Try hopping, skipping, or jumping games.

Try these fun indoor workout ideas for 5- to 11-year-olds

In addition to outdoor sports like soccer and basketball, experts recommend a variety of indoor exercises for kids in this age group, including basic fitness exercises such as push-ups, curl-ups, running in place, mountain climbers, and burpees.

You can also opt for fun games to play with friends indoors, like “Olympic Hot Spot Challenge.” Clear out some space and create “hot spot” stations with different activities for fun and variety. The idea is to get the children moving from one station to the next every 30-45 seconds. Here are some station ideas:

  • Push-ups (against the wall, on their knees, or full push-ups)
  • Sit-ups
  • Jump rope
  • Step-ups (either with a freestanding step or up and down the stairs)
  • Circle jumps (small rings, hula hoops, or tape marks)
  • Jumping jacks
  • Squats
  • Balancing on one leg
  • Ball toss (with a partner)

To make it more challenging, you can:

  • Increase the time at each hot spot, so 30, 45, or 60 seconds.
  • Increase the number of times you do the complete hot spot circuit, so 2, 3, 4, or 5 times.
  • Mix up the hot spots or do them in a different order.
  • Create new hot spot activities of your own.
  • Add new hot spot props like soup can weights.