While everyone else may think that a family gathering at a fancy local hotel sounds like the ideal Mother’s Day, it might be your biggest nightmare. Kids overdosing on sugary foods, toddlers playing chase across the room, babies who can’t sit still…
As Mother’s Day is your day, why not reclaim it by indulging in some quality ‘me time’, alone. As a mom, you exert your power all year long, making key decisions about your family’s schedule. This Mother’s Day, do the same, and empower yourself to make the day you deserve the day you really want.
It’s natural to feel guilty or worried about telling your family you want to be alone on Mother’s Day. Moms need to realize this time is important to refuel and re-energize – a happy mom equals happy children. Plus, taking care of yourself is a great lesson for kids to see first-hand. At heart, many moms know this is true, but in the rush of the everyday, it’s hard to remember. Mother’s Day is one day to pause and actually do it.
Book It
Let’s face it, if you’re around the house, your kids will find you. Guarantee alone time by making an appointment on a day (or time period) when you know you have childcare coverage – whether that’s Mother’s Day or another day without mandatory family commitments. If beauty or relaxation time is what you long for, book a pedicure, massage, facial or makeover. If you’ve been meaning to start a new fitness routine, make an appointment to tour and try a new gym or schedule a session with a personal trainer. Want something simpler? Consider going on a morning bike ride alone and meeting up with your family for lunch, wandering around the latest exhibit at a favorite art museum, or curling up with a new book (or your Kindle) at a cozy coffee shop. The point is to block off the time – ahead of time.
Tell Your Partner
Have a heart-to-heart with them to convey you want some ‘Me Time’ on Mother’s Day and describe the role he will play while you take it. Many partners may even be grateful or relieved to discover something you really want to do that day; it takes a bit of the pressure of them to have to guess (and saves you from any generic gifts!).
Arrange a Weekend to Fit Your Needs
Parents consistently struggle with how to spend their time. If plans with your mom or your mother-in-law are an obligation, plan the weekend around your scheduled time away. Arrange one big pot-lucky event and invite everyone. Another option? Give the people you want (or need) to celebrate with choices that work around your schedule, “Would you rather do dinner Friday or breakfast on Saturday?”
Your Ideal Meal
Moms can’t escape reality completely. Family meals are often hectic. But planning ahead and picking the right restaurant, food or setting can make it more enjoyable (unless you hire a babysitter). Your family may have special plans for one meal, be it making you breakfast in bed, brunch with the extended family, or a backyard dinner barbeque. But get involved in planning another meal so it’s how and where you want it (even if it’s spent alone, a date with your spouse, or catching up with a bff).
The point is to be honest, plan ahead and manage your time – you do this every other day, so why not do so to make this Mother’s Day the one you really want?
Finding ‘Me Time’ This Mother’s Day