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Easy Halloween Costume for a Group: Angry Birds

Easy Halloween Costume for a Group: Angry Birds

Children love Angry Birds — flinging the feisty bundle of feathers at bricks and pigs has become a favourite amongst children. With this image for inspiration, recreate the characters from the popular app with these simple steps.
Works for up to 5 people.

  • 5 sweatshirts in red, yellow, blue and white and/or black
  • 5 white or yellow sweatpants or leggings
  • Felt in white, black, yellow, red, orange and blue
  • Black fabric marker
  • Poly-fill batting
  • Fabric markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Step 1: Outline eyeballs on white felt. Cut out and trace outer edge in black marker. Draw pupil. Also cut out black or red eyebrows, yellow beaks, under-eye circles and tuft of feathers, all based on each bird’s picture. Glue on corresponding sweatshirt in face formation.
Step 2: Using a long sleeve shirt as the first layer, put sweatshirts over the t-shirt and tuck everything into the leggings.
Step 3: Stuff belly of sweatshirt with Poly-fil to give the round-bird effect. If necessary, hold in place by wrapping elastic around the sweatshirt.
Can also dress others up as pigs!