- Black witch hat from craft store
- Black boa feathers
- Scissors
- Hot glue
- Black tulle
- Long black dress
- Black satin cape or large rectangular piece of black satin fabric from craft store
- Black tights
- Black boots or shoes
- Makeup with red lipstick
- Broom.
- Face paint (optional)
Step 1: Jazz up the hat! Tie tulle around hat base, so that long ends hang in the back. Wrap boa feathers, just above tulle. Cut to fit and glue in place using hot glue.
Step 2: Put on long dress, satin cape, tights and shoes.
Step 3: Apply makeup with bright red lipstick, add green face paint for an extra touch.
Step 4: Put on hat. Use leftover tulle from hat to tie onto broom where handle and bristles meet.